Frage von RTB:
Hi All,
after much saving, I finally gained my Adobe Premiere CS4. Even of the trial, I was thrilled, but unfortunately it does not support AVCHD footage of my camcorder.
I now have a little clip in the mode of 1080p dubbed my memory card and now wants them in 720p format (; 1280x720) to export as wmv..
Now if I take the default settings of Premiere, then the average bit rate at 5,000 kb / s and the max. Bit rate of 8000 KB / s.
These are obviously too high if I want to put these clips into the grid, because that will 7sec film, already fast times 4MB file size.
What bit rate would be advisable to ensure that the quality is not too nahläßt, because after all I would like to know that the user noticed the HD quality.
I know where it is now synonymous another question, but how do I get out slight image noise in darker area from the film. I have already tried the trial version of NeatVideo, but allows only sizes up to 640x480, so not suitable for my purposes. Unfortunately, this month is synonymous First of exhausted my budget for extra tools.
Antwort von Enno Winde:

For internet streaming I take always the target 1024er on Window Media in the export window.
It still looks good, but is relatively small.
Enno Winds