Frage von silentzero:Here is a tutorial how to use a text with AE can animate:
Should now be no advertising, just so you understand better.
I now have a text just after this animated tutorial. Now my question: I want an object (Picture a pen) so s.diese text animation hang so that the stylus follows the motion so that it s.Schluss just looks as if the pen writes the text.
Can you tell me whether and how it works?
Antwort von Mylenium:
Here is a tutorial how to use a text with AE can animate:
Should now be no advertising, just so you understand better.
I now have a text just after this animated tutorial. Now my question: I want an object (Picture a pen) so s.diese text animation hang so that the stylus follows the motion so that it s.Schluss just looks as if the pen writes the text.
Can you tell me whether and how it works? You can mask out the composition of the sub via the clipboard to copy and as keyframes in the position of the stylus insert. You just in the time line the "position" property previously auswäheln. Wen NDU inserted the mask you will ever 2 seconds. In order to stretch the keyframe, just select all from the last draw with the mouse and think the whole time the ALT button.
Antwort von silentzero:
Thank you very much. Now I have it exactly as I wished.