Frage von ich33:Hello
hab ne perhaps quite banal question: did cs3 premiere in two different timelines within a project. Now I would like some clips of the time line 2 on the time line 1 copy. how do I do this?
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
How do you do that in Word?
Antwort von idolum:
Command (cmd) / Control (Ctrl) + C with selected clip (s) and then simply press the desired timeline / sequence and command-click (cmd) / Control (Ctrl) + V key.
Copy and paste exactly ;-)
Antwort von ich33:
alles klar, danke. with the keyboard commands for copy n past klappts. it had previously tried with the mouse and was able, for whatever reasons in the empty area on the timeline with the right mouse button menu does not synonymous and thus not click past.