Frage von GertiR:
hab da mal wieder a question:
I have been working for some time s.einem article about a German auto industrialists.
Currently, however, only as a concept in writing.
Later, I would naturally synonymous, use certainly abundant, film archive material.
Since I like this time based on the understanding that this material (after all, from the 50s and 60s probably) exclusively owned by the public broadcasters is, one would have nachhaken as well.
Gibts as a central point (archive) or you have to muddle through the institutions?
And how come s.Aufnahmen up of private citizens?
Who has time filmed, is probably ill-equipped to respond today to an Internet call.
Has anyone perhaps a few tips to search for material?
Would be nice.
Greetings Gert
Antwort von jodlafazema:

Have a look here:
Keyword: Automotive
Have fun ...
Antwort von Arthuro:

try's views in with a request.
Greeting arthuro