Frage von Horace83:
work at NEM private local radio station (I would rather call camcorders ^ ^) and soon, new cams ago. There are mainly EB Geschchten. As the Money is tight, of course, s.große Schultercams no longer think (so far we shot with the JVC GY DV5001E). Have the Panasonic HPX171 and the EX3 eye.
've Not match any of the two had in his hand (of the Pana I once ordered a demo model) and wanted to ask who has had experiences with both models and how they are combined.
The HPX is halt ne synonymous sure thing and think it is for amateurs, I think (have to think yes s.meine employees). Was still in sight but the HVX200 can so the full format before only record on card.
Important to me is great for both the 4:2:2 sampling, 1080 @ 50p would be (I know - not the HPX, but I hope that there's at least at NAB what is new). In the EX3 points still hold the lenses and the larger chip. This I would be synonymous for scenic things, like portraits or use reports.
Like the HPX because from the picture angle is from? The old men were there eigetnlich Panasonic Henkel always quite good (our old WWS look even older ....).
Oh, and if we're on the Panasonic: When Financial. Resources are greater than expected but: ne HPX301 would be synonymous not a bad choice for the application field, right?
Antwort von Jott:

If you care about 4:2:2 (why?), The EX 3 outside.
Antwort von Horace83:

Örk true. Because the EX1 can be the SDI 4:2:2 output yes (I have to say I can), I thought the 3 makes it synonymous ....
Why 4:2:2? Future-oriented thinking mainly, less compression = better quality, keying, post .....
Short time geg00gelt and then found this:
Antwort von nordheide:

EX3 makes synonymous 4:2:2 external.
Antwort von nordheide:

If it is not about low light or 1 / 2 inches, write the new Canon
XF100, 105.300 and 305
even 4:2:2 to CF card.
Antwort von Jott:

"Work at NEM private local radio station (I would rather call camcorders ^ ^) and soon, new cams ago. It is mainly EB Geschchten."
4:2:2 for it - I see. Well then! But at least questioning what is real is to bring in a camera like the HVX170, generated with the pixel shift their pictures and can only record anamorphic. This is of yesterday. You must have the EX3 Panasonic facing 370th
Antwort von Piers:

So I do not know the HPX171. But the EX-3, I can say that I faced a similar decision: EX-1 or at the EX-3.
If your applications (local stations, limited budget) I would not buy EX-3. Besides the Interchangeable Lens and an eyepiece, it has little advantage over the EX-1, but is more expensive.
Just look round then clever lenses for EX-3 down and settled the issue of self probably due to the Prices.
And to this day I still have with each area can cover the EX-1. EB, reportage, documentary, corporate video - is just fine.
The question for me is more, the EX-1 did not have "too good" for a local station? Can you the quality that gives the camera ever sent in the foreseeable future?
If the budget for ne EX-3 is there, I would rather think ne EX-1 plus à la Canon 60D VDSLR, 550 or 7D with a good lens.
Antwort von tommyb:

What is needed at all other Lenses s.der EX3? The kit lens does it all but from very successful - and more Wide Angle Is it nice and not so costly resolutions with x0.75
Antwort von Piers:
What is needed at all other Lenses s.der EX3? The kit lens does it all but from very successful - and more Wide Angle Is it nice and not so costly resolutions with x0.75 Even asked the other way around: if you use only the kit lens, why an EX-3?
So I know the WW resolutions now, but I tested some resolutions s.meiner Zoom EX-1 and reached the conclusion that the picture quality is atrocious.
Antwort von Jott:

Sure - a camera with interchangeable Optics brings only what, when synonymous procures additional optics. That's what a few - even the extremely low-cost wide-angle zoom for Z7 (Zeiss) or EX3 (Fuji) for every 2,000 EUR buys surprisingly few people, although that does sooo much for the imagery, no preference whether EB, documents or advertising.
I would - as a non-synonymous Panasonic Fan - take the 370 into the eye. to get low, you've seen your 4:2:2, and the whole is definitely more like "TV is here!" than the "Vorhaltekameras.