Frage von hoerspielwerkstatt:
I have only been a short time a SonyVX 1000E and the AD Premiere Pro 2.0 editing program. The holiday is approaching and I could still many technical conditions do not go to the bottom.
Can you tell me what is meant by qualitative aspects is beneficial, if I my recordings later in Widescreenformat 16:9 on a TV show wants?
1. Recording in 4:3 in the normal format of VX1000E
- Cut in APP 2.o
- Format conversion into APP 2.0
- Export as MPEG 2 on DVD
2. Recording in 16:9, which can VX1000E synonymous
- Cut in App 2.0
- Export as MPEG 2 on DVD
If I understand everything correctly, the 3 CCDs are only 4:3 fully utilized, because based on a 16:9 reduction of the recording areas on the chips.
What does this mean for the LowLight - capabilities of the camcorder?
As for the final image resolution?
Are there other considerations that I should employ?
Thanks for your advice.
Antwort von PowerMac:

In 4:3 filming. In the post to make 16:9. So you can later adjust the picture and searched depending on the software used a better quality when scaling.
Antwort von hoerspielwerkstatt:

Thanks PowerMac.