Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: Osama or the right s.Picture in public places
Antwort von deti:

What we learn from this? Best with a large team and professional equipment in the United States be on the road. Then you get even more support of the police ;-)
Antwort von the_flasher:

what are we talking here? Did not want to look at now, the 10 minutes long ^ ^
Antwort von ddiethelm:

The Yanks are hollow ... that's a fact for many years been refuted. Fats Burger reins are not allowed to grow pot in the brain. That should peddle someone views this nation.
But I would next like to be surprised what comes next. Maybe a cop who says that an iPhone is a portable GPS for terrorist attacks, and I have to turn it off immediately?
The photo with the professional team does not synonymous. Unless you have a written authorization in hand. Otherwise you will be regarded as a terrorist group and the bullets fly you around the ears.
Antwort von rush:

someone 'ne idea how & where to photograph the little "mini-camera" is placed? seems to be the officers did not even notice ... And what 'ne camera may have been the + recording system?
Antwort von ddiethelm:

Hand Camcorder with shoulder strap. Moving is easy and good.
Antwort von Axel:
someone 'ne idea how & where to photograph the little "mini-camera" is placed? seems to be the officers did not even notice ... Does it attract attention not synonymous. Terrorists in action films ever made synonymous evaluate the videos of Consumercams, there are always digital. Delicious, the confusion that someone even with "Film shoot".
The policeman could be formally in the law. Not just to arrest (arrest), but stop ( "detain") may or even
must, of any civil citizen a suspected villain. He may or
must use every measure to s.Gewalt, which is necessary for this purpose. Motto: "Stop thief!"
Anyone who has extensively modified in a German train station or underground station
is filming ge? So we have been with Henkel men always ask of any Fuzzis for a filming permit, which takes less than five minutes, until one materialized.
Yet we know that suicide bombers, but all on his own habit, that we shoot the
pictures only for our members to remind s.unseren last place of residence on earth. Not least because it is the place then no longer available ...
Antwort von lofi:

I learn from this that I better not notebook (will be happy confiscated
And should minnehmen much later or not returned) still camera there. And then I need not be synonymous actually going there. Is perhaps synonymous better that way.
Antwort von rush:
I learn from this that I better not notebook (will be happy confiscated
And should minnehmen much later or not returned) still camera there. And then I need not be synonymous actually going there. Is perhaps synonymous better that way. heh? how do you arrive at this conclusion?
But there is basically nothing happens ... And could one not fall in the above would be entered into a discussion that was completed sache certainly synonymous in 2 minutes. Both parties have tried to defend their rights and therefore, the entire unnecessarily complicated.
Antwort von r.p.television:

I can not understand the context of the thread.
There is currently very trendy lambast the United States. That has apparently changed, the new president not synonymous.
The fact is that you can shoot in Manhattan most of his time with undisturbed Henkelmann and Tripod. I was in a period of two weeks only twice, very politely of authority addressed and questioned why I do this. Was still very politely pointed out that the filming of skyscrapers and other Public Places with tripods is prohibited in Manhattan and I will be better but this is set. Recommendation rather than as a prohibition. Nothing more. I was not being followed or observed synonymous for some time.
As I have elsewhere seen a lot worse.
Totally stay away as opposed to up our area suspicious glances of passers-by, stupid or silly sayings with which types of mobile s.Ohr and a half pounds of gel in your hair before the camera, waving and staring with his mouth open.
On the contrary. The people offer their help. Unobtrusive and polite. Thus, a healthy co-existence does not exist for us.
If individual county sheriffs are austicken the individual cases.
I was forced to move out already synonymous of a German police officers during a vehicle inspection at minus 10 degrees and my boots and jacket are so 5 minutes on the road while he inspected the contents of my trunk. What can you say to that? Sauerkraut can shrink the brain?
The Yanks have some katastropale general education. That's true. But in many properties, they are ahead of us Germans.
The photographer in the video the way, is an idiot. If he had not answered the question of the sheriff immediately with the insistence of his rights, probably nothing would have happened. It just always comes out s.wie you meet his counterpart.
One can assume the sheriff synonymous happy overzealousness. But one should scrutinize such attacks as synonymous times 9 / 11, some residents of this country are aware of and whether that would not happen in Germany as well.
Antwort von r.p.television:
The Yanks are hollow ... that's a fact for many years been refuted. Fats Burger reins are not allowed to grow pot in the brain. That should peddle someone views this nation.
But I would next like to be surprised what comes next. Maybe a cop who says that an iPhone is a portable GPS for terrorist attacks, and I have to turn it off immediately?
The photo with the professional team does not synonymous. Unless you have a written authorization in hand. Otherwise you will be regarded as a terrorist group and the bullets fly you around the ears. How did you get this wisdom?
I certainly have no bullets flying around our ears. And I often films in the U.S.. Too often without requested permission.
Who must not occur according to worry more than if you film in Berlin or Frankfurt, with a camera on the road.
Antwort von Axel:
I certainly have no bullets flying around our ears. And I often films in the U.S.. In any case, the security problem in the U.S. is not to be rumgeschleppt too many cameras, but too many firearms. If there is an edge in the mentality against Europeans, it is almost anarchist insistence on personal freedom and the inalienable rights of citizenship.
If he had not answered the question of the sheriff immediately with the insistence of his rights, probably nothing would have happened. Therefore, the insistence of the photographer is in this clip my sympathy. The arrogance of state power must not bow down, never. Unfortunately, this is after 9 / 11 differently.
On violence: If there were in Germany so many weapons, we would certainly dead
Antwort von r.p.television:

In any case, the security problem in the U.S. is not to be rumgeschleppt too many cameras, but too many firearms. If there is an edge in the mentality against Europeans, it is almost anarchist insistence on personal freedom and the inalienable rights of citizenship.
That's true. But in general nothing to do with the case here. I have taken only comment on a comment that sounds to me very much like parroting one popülaren and comfortable stereotypes.
If he had not answered the question of the sheriff immediately with the insistence of his rights, probably nothing would have happened. Therefore, the insistence of the photographer is in this clip my sympathy. The arrogance of state power must not bow down, never. Unfortunately, this is after 9 / 11 differently. I bow synonymous reluctance of state power. Suitability is a foreign word for me.
But in some cases, it is stupid. If I want to achieve a goal such as a Stillimage or a movie, it is foolish to invest with an authority that may make it impossible for a this project. In general, it is this: You answer the question of the sheriff, and he explains to you why it is forbidden. Then he goes into a rule and lets you alone. You act like the idiot in the video he takes you into custody and at worst camera footage and will be confiscated. That's rarely happened promptly to 9 / 11.
On violence: If there were in Germany so many weapons, we would certainly dead Double signed. Not the people are the problem. It is the Arms Act (OK, the law will make of people. But those of the gun lobby influenced). With the same law it would be with us more crack. Since I'm 100% sure.
The behavior of the photographers was plain and simply unprofessional. I have not synonymous with unique look can heraushören whether the background of the photos was working professional. Had the photographer said he would need for such a Stillimage Project X (and indeed make with respect to the sheriff - whether deserved or not - to come). I bet the sheriff said he would simply have failed and that should be gone. The photographer had a short wait for the photos can still do. Possibly even with approval of the sheriff.
Anyway, I think that the photographer was a troublemaker Spinner it has created it. Why should it be run along a camera when you shoot?
Antwort von KrischanDO:

in April 08 I was a photographer with colleagues in Dallas and Washington DC for architectural photography. We have been invited to Dallas in the Starbucks coffee - because we are German and was the man behind the coffee bar in Germany in 2007. Anyone who has recognized us as a German, has approached us and of ancestors / friends / work / motorcycles says. In Frisco, I have photographed a giant shopping center. As the people remain in the fat pickups are available with the passing and wait until you've sold the camera again. The Lady in the fast food restaurant with "Gertrude" in the name tag says that her parents are from Schweinfurt, and they obviously know where Fulda is located. Because of the church, not because of the Fulda Gap.
In Washington DC, we have 300 meters from the J. Edgar Hoover Building s.der Pennsylvania Av. photographed all day long, on traffic islands, sidewalks at all, on the street, have suspended time, a turning lane. Everything that has happened: There are people with "Sorry!" and said to durchgebückt under the camera. The head of the "Old Post Office" - Museum has told us that it was terribly difficult to get a photo license, because government-owned. Rather we should make the tower as a tourist trip and just as tourists do our pictures.
The Harley-driving policeman of the "Pentagon Motorcade" s.White House is half-crawled under his Mopped to my 17-55er Optics, which was as hingerollt, rauszufischen and return to me. Then we have a quarter of an hour talking about BMW motorcycles and Harleys.
Our son was one years with 16 in Colorado and has found friends there. The fly then synonymous times just for one week to Germany to visit her pupil-friends.
People. stop with this "The Yanks are all superficial fat, eat hamburgers, love their guns, big cars and GW Bush" - Scheiss.
That's about as true as: German eating pork knuckles with sauerkraut to hear brass band music, and have garden gnomes wear hats Prince Heinrich.
In order to experience in two German cities, as a foreigner so much willingness, interest and friendliness, you have George Clooney and Uma Thurmann be.
Antwort von r.p.television:

People. stop with this "The Yanks are all superficial fat, eat hamburgers, love their guns, big cars and GW Bush" - Scheiss.
That's about as true as: German eating pork knuckles with sauerkraut to hear brass band music, and have garden gnomes wear hats Prince Heinrich.
In order to experience in two German cities, as a foreigner so much willingness, interest and friendliness, you have George Clooney and Uma Thurmann be.
It is precisely this experience, I have been synonymous.
There are of course weapons enthusiasts and GW Bush supporter. But at least the same degree, there's us, the same idiots. Overall, I was kindly treated in any country. With the possible exception of Japan, Thailand and Vietnam. But Buddhists usually appear in general different, so that does not count.
And the friendly Amiland is not as happy claimed only superficial. Where people respect each other, quite different. And although consistently of the East to the West Coast.
The problem is the American press, is only reported in which of violence and dementia. Our media capture and in which a Doofland questions the yes None.
Who among the many Americans work or live, knows that these silly prejudices have little background.
I must say that the often-derided synonymous U.S. police occurs much more helpful than the German, who only write parking tickets and harassed. Because the subtext of "To Protect and to Serve makes" more sense ....
Antwort von darg:

Here in the U.S. is unfortunately very susceptible times, what to photograph or shoot of railway-terms infrasturktur and buildings. As a rail fan you have there not been easy. Unfortunately, the rules and regulations are not really consistent, but each company has its own path policy.
Unfortunately, however, synonymous Railroadpolizisten and the training of the normal COPs not really good. The catch is that you can prevent people None the shooting or photographing of such investments of public property and land and can restrict or even prohibit, but when it (ie on railway land stations takes place) and the Company Policy is prohibited. Some RR Officer and synonymous normal COPs can be as happy to hang out and Homeland Security to make a big bag.
The error of the type from the video was holding themselves to a discussion, instead of letting his personal record, writing the badge number on the COPs, and to file a complaint that starts the disadvantage in these cases almost always at the COPs but I think this was not synonymous goal of this video.
Antwort von ddiethelm:

So please ... I did not come with the 9 / 11 posturing. There is no proof that there were any kind of people with beards from the east. I believe that a chimera invented by the former president might put even more into the world and has been staged. That the economy has not gone well for the 9 / 11 can be clearly looked up.
The fact that the popular Zwilingstürme more than just Abbruch-/Sanierreif were constructive and not held as promised by the structural engineer. I would therefore not be surprised if some time or times to light that the U.S. allowed itself to fly the planes into the towers is deliberately in order to be able to start a war and to pocket the insurance money.
The whole culminates in the insecure people who react precisely thanks to their small IQ very sensitive to intimidation. Farts at Madison Square Garden, a squirrel running around all confused in the area and call: earthquake, earthquake ... Runs by a professional photographer and a bull and taken them, the weapon is unsheathed. It is my opinion quite clear that the photographer probably the first farting squirrels like the cop out anywhere else ... but rejected the idea immediately, and according to the discussion looking for. Finally, no terrorist would be so stupid with such a large shoot ala Canon EOS 5D camera so obviously a Stillimage too. Especially what happens in the Stillimage for an attack? Nothing ... of terrorist suspects was so synonymous in the field.
In about the same alleged stupid was my experience s.einem airport where I illuminate my photo tripod at a time when four police officers were opposed, and that the s.den small 4mm spikes three feet seihe a terrorist weapon. True, one days later, you could actually read the Bild newspaper that a plane was hijacked and flown with my tripod into two skyscrapers. What a nonsense ...
In my opinion the photographer is absolutely correct with reasoning. The policeman, however, completely exaggerated (thanks squirrel in ...). The threats which pronounced the bull support my statements. Common sense? ... of which the former has probably never heard let alone understood when someone try to explain it. That the police in the United States and are shamelessly exploited their special status just so she is able to satisfy their egos known. Even if the other party in the right.
Moreover, it is synonymous with us in the EU, more and more reports that people (mostly younger people) are intentionally conspire against the police and attacking them with a targeted patrol. Precisely for this reason that the population of whom feel protected rather than threatened. Then is again of the concerned police officers complained that your melee training seihe worth nothing against young people. Prompt the cops with stun which of course we are equipped citizens pay to the state and get that same feeling the next Eichhörnchenfurz too. Yes, yes ... The police, your friend and helper ... of motion. That it grasped an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth - the principle is probably no one.
So now I'll say no more on the subject. Except that I hope has been suspended the policeman filmed or is judged as incompetent. Thanks for the nice video. It keeps the alleged law enforcement, once more a mirror before his face. How are you even looking!
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... People who just due to their small IQ .. the bull ... Remarks such as these reveal your true thinking, but synonymous disqualify your contributions.
... Incidentally, there are synonymous with us in the EU, more and more reports that people (mostly younger people) are intentionally conspire against the police and attacking them with a targeted patrol ... And you think some are justified, or even worthy of emulation? For heaven's sake, because you can only shake his head at such views.
Antwort von Mink:

The photographer in the video the way, is an idiot. If he had not answered the question of the sheriff immediately with the insistence of his rights, probably nothing would have happened. It just always comes out s.wie you meet his counterpart.
Yes, insist on their civil rights?? What an idiot! If that would make all then we would have something like democracy? TZZZZZ ...
Antwort von ddiethelm:

@ Bernd E.
Thank you that you own with this incomplete statement disqualifizierst. If you want to say it but that I should formulate this next point, just to ask me directly. I work daily with the Ami's together and you can give endless examples of why I come to such a conclusion.
And because of the imitation? Hello do you have my sentence because of "an eye for an eye, a tooth ..." understood at all? Hello? This medieval law is now looking really nothing in our age. Therefore, once synonymous slowly and explicitly for you: "No, I do not support this."
Unfortunately I can not shake synonymous. At any rate, this helps to pot reins as synonymous countless burgers in itself, does not exert his brain a little.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... If you want to say it but that I should formulate this next point, just to ask me directly. I work daily with the Ami's together and you can give endless examples of why I come to such a conclusion ... Thanks for the offer, but I have or had sufficient contacts with Americans (ordinary citizens, police, army) and German police in order to form my own opinion.
... And because of the imitation ?..." No, I do not support this "... Okay, good that you have clarified this.
Antwort von meawk:
So please ... I did not come with the 9 / 11 posturing. There is no proof that there were any kind of people with beards from the east. I believe that a chimera invented by the former president might put even more into the world and has been staged. That the economy has not gone well for the 9 / 11 can be clearly looked up.
The fact that the popular Zwilingstürme more than just Abbruch-/Sanierreif were constructive and not held as promised by the structural engineer. I would therefore not be surprised if some time or times to light that the U.S. allowed itself to fly the planes into the towers is deliberately in order to be able to start a war and to pocket the insurance money.
The whole culminates in the insecure people who react precisely thanks to their small IQ very sensitive to intimidation. . . Thanks for this helpful contribution.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Take a look it again, "The Experiment" s.with Moritz Bleibtreu ..... And that is exactly stop here "happened again"!
B. DeKid
Antwort von ddiethelm:

Well, that I boast me. The reference / help is very funny. A comedian halt as dozens synonymous.
Therefore, a small video of extreme comedian for good:
... And because Christmas is so soon bal yet what's heart:
Antwort von ddiethelm:

Antwort von rush:

looool ... So the police video, I already knew;)
is genuine but the christmas baking the knaller * g * I want the cosmetics, earrings:)
Antwort von r.p.television:

O God! Here again, if someone comes with the silly conspiracy theories. I let fly at home two aircraft into two skyscrapers and kill thousands of people? Excuse the long run such a large operation is to be kept secret? Total bullshit.
That would trust no one.
Your superficial knowledge of the conspiracy is making videos on Youtube, the extremely clever Americans, because they know that there are a few extremely gullible, impressionable nerds fall for sowas and which can sell even more Books and DVDs ....
A few conspiracy theorists have brought it by the stupidity of people, almost three-million profit by selling their Books and DVDs. That was not just fall for the Americans out here, so once again proven.
Antwort von r.p.television:

The photographer in the video the way, is an idiot. If he had not answered the question of the sheriff immediately with the insistence of his rights, probably nothing would have happened. It just always comes out s.wie you meet his counterpart.
Yes, insist on their civil rights?? What an idiot! If that would make all then we would have something like democracy? TZZZZZ ... I said in another thread already that I myself am absolutely the last one before the State organs knuckles.
If I call service, however, an order or to fear for my equipment Footage needs, it is very stupid to make this.
Please do not tear out of context.
Furthermore, I think, in fact, the behavior of the sheriff to present not as bad as it is attempted.
I bet the photographer wanted to provoke something. Why should he have run along a camera and behave so uncooperative?