Frage von Blackeagle123:
Hallo ihr lieben,
I'm on my "treasure" hergegangen times and did a little song ... (Perhaps yes sounds totally stupid, it is not synonymous vll!?)
The I recorded and had a desire to be the (unfinished song) to create a video.
So I'm all alone for a day and hergegangen've very quickly made the video. (a small Kranaufnahme a Steddyfahrt etc.)
I would be just interested in your opinion about this at youtube are (still) online, since it is private, I want it back soon rausmachen ...
Quite a lot, dear greetings
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

achso, and vote only if you like xD
Antwort von walthermarco:

Cheap little camera out otherwise very good::::
Ps: In the future more people for the shooting would get nothing else (lighting, cameraman, and .... and Other.) Vieleicht use a Kammera Dolly ...
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

I know I know ^ ^ so synonymous Was not the first shooting. But since it is quite short so ne idea was ichs want to make the best of it ;-)
Well, I fands s.Ende then quite okay, because I pans, crane and had Steddy drin ... :-p (Who crane and Steddy reads: DO NOT expect too much lol)
Many dear greetings and thank you in advance
Antwort von Wiro:

I like it well.
The "addressee" is certainly synonymous ;-))
But first it must be ready.
Compliments of
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Unfortunately I have no idea how it could really stop and wanted to send it. ;-)
with the appendix: "I write the song to an end, if we once more have experienced great things"
Liebe Grüße
PS: Actually, no preference, how's you like, so "it" like it would be 5 points of each sooo super!
Antwort von Wiro:
"I write the song to an end, if we once more have experienced great things" Also a good idea ;-))
From me 5 points.
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von rtzbild:

Hi Constantin, echt geil!
Unfortunately I have no youtube account now MyVideo.
But I suggest that you use more of a cursive, Arial looks a bit too sober to script, or rather Calli Graphic or so ...
Otherwise: Super, bitte mehr davon!
BTW: You're in the Mainz area, like on a small CT, if I'm back in WI?
Antwort von Stefan:

My hat's like synonymous.
To what still contribute constructively ... the Hall in the voice is noticed, almost like "bathroom" is sung. I think because you can still continue to work in future.
And .. Add to the network is launched. "It's private and I want to delete it in a vew days ..." is optimistic. Next time rather than a purely neutral work place sample.
Good luck!
The thick Stefan
Antwort von PowerMac:

Very nice Geschleime. I had intuitively s.einen chorus of stray street Köter love and think, from a dustbin to howl ...
But women are on something ...
Are you satisfied with yourself because that? Or was the goal rather Liebesbekräftigung and Impress your "treasure"?
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

PowerMac Hey,
well rather then the second, I will not as a singer or whatever show.
"Chorus of stray and street monster love" ... As I said, maybe sounds stupid, synonymous vll nich. Therefore I ask beforehand, but you think, before arriving s.Ende nor bad!
But you write so that is something women ... hoff ich mal! :-)
Hey Olli: Jap, I'm from Mainz, (vll stupid question), but what do you mean with a small CT?
@ Stefan: hmm ... stimmt! Next time I use another reverb. Was normal but the studio by the Hall effect device (because of the studio sounds Hall of Audition yes better * g *)
Best regards and thank you for your opinions!
Antwort von walthermarco:

The song sounds, such as 10 liter softener, but if your old draufsteht ??????
Antwort von Chezus:

Constructive criticism will bring him more than the effusions of a host brain Trolls.
Antwort von PowerMac:

That is quite constructive. To constructive criticism (for example, moderators, contributors, works of art) is above all that we once described as something to a confusion. If a guest says that song is listen to him "like 10 liter softener", then Constantin know how the video works on other people. And with different effects on different people you have in the course of his life with things. Successful people know the effects their decision making and work so that they are on the public good "acts." You have to solve them, any assessment or impact to personal expressions of it.
Antwort von Chezus:

You're so at least your name Nickname drafted. As a guest, such a write is more shit coward.
Constructive criticism is for me the rest if you are not only says that something is shit, but the criticism makes suggestions for improvement.
If he had said: Take, therefore, less fabric softener ... and then his name would druntergesetzt, it was already in the right direction
But no preference, I just want to say
Antwort von walthermarco:

Since I am (with the criticism of the fabric softener) synonymous a bit cautious.
You never know?
At least I would like you to remain anonymous in the forum.
Can you understand it
If someone wants my coordinates should he ask me personally, but not in sonem forum. As can any Dahergekommene penner ..... you know
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) Therefore, I ask in advance but after you think before s.Ende still poorly arrives!
But you write so that is something women. (...) You have to be strong but to differentiate between our perception, reception, assessment, like the video to us is, how it is implemented craftsmanship, etc., and to your lady. They will be very different and unequal emotional impact than us because they know you, clearly felt feelings for you because it will probably mean something. All this we can not. Therefore, to comments such as "slimy or 10 liter softener." That is not meant evil. We can only your relationship with each other and your not start. We do not know. We know not synonymous, whether the whole thing may be "too schnulzig" is. My tip: if you feel comfortable with the video and it corresponds to your feelings, then it is correct.
Antwort von Chezus:

Beautifully said.
I can only agree
Antwort von Uwe:
I would be just interested in your opinion ...........
I like it well. There are certainly opportunities for improvement - but there is always ...
And do not worry about the negative comments of komplexbeladenen users, which obviously in childhood too rough on her "Quietsche-duck" has taken ...
Antwort von oliver II:

I like it!
Antwort von PowerMac:
You're so at least your name Nickname drafted. As a guest, such a write is more shit coward.
Constructive criticism is for me the rest if you are not only says that something is shit, but the criticism makes suggestions for improvement.
If he had said: Take, therefore, less fabric softener ... and then his name would druntergesetzt, it was already in the right direction
But no preference, I just want to say I've not ever criticize, but between your understanding of concepts and the reality is often a large discrepancy. It is a fallacy that constructive criticism should include suggestions for improvement. Constructive criticism can be so very easy to be destructive. Who can presume the authority because, constructive suggestions for improvement to give? It is much more pragmatic effects to speak of as "binding" Pesudo solution offers to give.
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

So thank you all once again. This thread should be, please do not develop in a direction in which will be discussed what "constructive criticism" implies. So I can with a critique: "Sounds like 10 liters Weichspühler" (-synonymous only if-) something.
So the song is not as Geschleime arrive, but, as is so beautifully worded PowerMac has feelings describe. These are of course in a short film as well as in a song much more "show" (cf. German Songs of Pur in times where the front singer was in love). But one likes because it is Metallica fans, "Jessy" of "Joshua Caddison" or Robbie Williams slimy find another finds Metallica already slimy, just because he is "totally Finish" Music sounds! ;-)
Problem with the criticism is probably that both the video as synonymous to the Music criticism may be exercised. And does not false, I am very glad that both are done.
However, it should, even if the video as a total schnulziges, acting as a softener movie comes along, go to the embassy (which is not wrong to understand, and I think, as I hope it arrives)!
I think synonymous criticism if I do not personal, it can be
non-synonymous-lover a softener softener judge. ;-)
So from the projects, I can with your help is certainly a lot to learn. Perhaps I learned from the times in the future, a "proper" Short Film realize (again if time is available).
In this sense, I wish you all a wonderful evening and look forward to more criticism!
PS: Quite forgetting a happy new year to be desired!
Antwort von rtzbild:

Jo, Xavier Naidoo is synonymous not everyone's friend, I find him [from moral decency censored], but women are on him and his Gejaule.
If you like your girlfriend because of your videos immortalises your heart and wants to marry you now, the video has served its purpose, and that's what ultimately, it does not? o)
Or you ybst a little and you're DSDSuperstarkandidat the 2.Halbjahrsstaffel 2007; o)
Constantin, a CT is a chatter meetings, perhaps even who is from MZ / WI, and surrounding areas has Fancy a beer?
* without * voice
Antwort von Axel:

Salut Constantin, and Happy New Year.
No criticism possible. You're a nice, the video works for me quite a bit, but the addressee will probably sweet. Ollis think of Xavier Naidoo I do not share, he has arguably the best German pop voice, synonymous when its themes are somewhat pompous. As always synonymous, so that you start, wanting to express something. That should continue.
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Clearly, CT sounds good! So depending on who is coming, what is being done and when it is, I would be here. ;-)
Kannst ja synonymous start a separate thread, possibly
supported Slashcam thee? (By the thread is marked, the message on the main page of Slashcam appears or so) My thoughts on Xavier Naidoo doing here is actually nothing on the matter, but as an example of affirming the things I've written, I was good! =)
Thanks again for the other s.alle criticism (or even the praise without criticism * g *)
Quite a lot, dear greetings
PS: Who is calling at Luxor for me? No, seriously, nieemals!
Antwort von awfulTHEmovie:

On the topic of "What Women Want ...":
I've got for our wedding video DVD Choice pictures from a photographer with no particular artistic posturing hintereinandergelegt and with transitions and a "matching" Music deposited. You would have with the head shaking, ...
... my wife has, however, sobbing tears, because she sooo has fallen.
What do you say to that?