Frage von
Servus friends
I would like to create an outline for my video, s.1px had thought of that!
Only I'm looking for me already stupid and drowsy?
Who can help me?
Antwort von Eastside:

Just under "Edit" then add contour set 1 pixel ready.
Antwort von

Oh embarrassing! How easy is des ..
Thank you!
Antwort von Eastside:

Honestly what do you want exactly?
What software?
Video Size?
etc. etc.
Antwort von

Work with AE, there would carry a camera in a 3D space trip! During the ride to run videos, these videos are to have a stroke or a gray frame!
Antwort von Eastside:

Then attach a new composition for each video s.The per Page 1 pixel larger than the video.
Then solid color on entire composition then insert video over it finished.
Then you take the final composition in the 3d space then you have your outline.
I hope it's not as complicated explanations.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Here, times 2 photos
Both made in PS
- At the shoe I wanted to make it look like a picture s.der wall
- In the landscape I wanted to have some vignetting
For both, I put ... Framework to improve choice - Edge reversed - Choice .... Then fill or brushes over it.
The planes can then paste it into AE synonymous
B. DeKid
Antwort von frm:

Right clicking footage in the timeline, then Layer Style> Stroke was still synonymous ne option.
Antwort von Debonnaire:
Just under "Edit" then add contour set 1 pixel ready. Why do you write you after THIS post here are the next sore finger? Eastside has not said ALL that we say to these needs?!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Nope ... are always multiple ways to Rome ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Yes, certainly the gibts ... But, according to the simple and obvious first question asked, there is now real and no simpler allemöglichkeitenerschlagendere answer than the top of the Eastside.
All other responses were next nothing more than pure self-expression, so in style: "Yes, I can do so synonymous say something! Granted: Absolutely nothing new or even Weiterführendes, but still WHAT!" ;-)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

for example, yes you can let it be your thesis ... but among us - what can it please nen 0815 1PX contour gradient against ne visors Ebbene with expiring or pulsating contours? -)
He will make s yes anyway as they want - what does that do not look for one of the contours - is not happy when He "again" makes several suggestions to appear ... naja hardships.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Jörg:

na nevertheless been advised not to 3d programs here ;-))
Antwort von B.DeKid:

NaJa although in 3D Progi anything like any real contours aufweisst .... so you can here it even easier to animate the whole - the inside outward appearance even with realistic shadows .... naja aber ja's just not a 3 D Progi
But he had in his 3D room synonymous "3D Frame" gebastelt ... so the question would fall directly .... Then in AE you could still change the 3D "Colors" - what you need even for sowas because 3D is too slow.
Well as I said - hardships ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von stip:
Just under "Edit" then add contour set 1 pixel ready.
Why do you write you after THIS post here are the next sore finger? Eastside has not said ALL that we say to these needs?! That was a joke of Eastside ...
You can make your pictures into AE by clicking the cube icon to 3D objects, if you use a camera, you've probably already done anyway.
Now, if you adding a light layer (Layer -> New -> Light) and in the properties of your images in-plane "material options" -> "cast shadows - on" attitude and having the same property for the Wallpaper / Background "accept shadows - on "attitude, then you can determine by shifting the images on the Z-plane the size of the shadow. If the light of the front, you have a smooth contour, thickness and hardness of the shadow can be synonymous to the "material options to set."