Frage von sommer:
good day together
I'm new here.
I have now read through some threads and found no answer to my problem ....( I hope I did) looking s.richtigen place
I want to spend of Final Cut Pro 5 cut my material about the ilink cable for my sony dcrpc9e.
I go to the rec-ctrl and camcorders on the final cut in output on video ...
after having my camcorder with rec-pause and ready to start recording into Final Cut Pro automatically comes to roll the gauze into a model to me except the camcorder is a blue building starts ....
can someone help me there?
heartfelt thanks in advance
lg michael
Antwort von PowerMac:

1. Did your camera hundred per cent a digital input? Firewire input? If necessary, read the manual, maybe you got what wrong.
2. Cut to tape and video output to both work. Dss activate the camera controls to start the Calculator (Option: auto recording).
3. Have you turned on as device control "Firewire DV PAL 48 KHz in Final Cut Pro?
4. If the camcorder footage while cutting the show? External Video -> Firewire PAL.
5. Possibly. you have incorrect settings. Checks whether under Video Settings "output to tape" is really synonymous to the Camera identified as a target?
Antwort von Anna8543:

heartfelt thanks for your answer.
This morning has suddenly funtkioniert everything ....
no idea why ...
I would imagine (although I have examined the left) that the connection to the camcorder briefly ausviel ....
I had this once before when I recorded on the tape on the camcorder to the mac was suddenly no longer recognizes ... I had simply turned the camera a few times Once again out-and back and even the mac has again recognized the camcorder.
lg heartfelt thanks again michael