Frage von bobby-c:
On the Panasonic website that the HPX500 Overcranking dominated ...
The HPX3000 is nothing like this ... The maximum fp / s are 30p which is not really a slow recording goes ...
Overcranking would be much better suited as supports but the HPX3000?
Somewhere I have read that the HPX3000 is not the successor of the VariCam, since he does not have variable frame rates ...
Refers to the Over / Undercranking?
Antwort von werbun:

The HPX3000 does not seem to be so widespread ...
Nobody really knows whether the HPX3000 Overcranking beherscht or not?
Antwort von werbun:

Solution = HPX3700?
The HPX3700 can Framerat variable but rather limited (1-30 frames) ...
But will the fall / end of the year until it is available ^ ^
Antwort von werbun:

why panasonic yet? the ex1 is certainly much better. and the difference to DVCProHD XDCAM remembers the viewer is not synonymous ...
Antwort von flo_g:

Why Panasonic?
Here are a few reasons:
- 2 / 3 "instead of 1 / 2" chips
- 1920 * 1080p natively (avc-intra can greet ;-))
- 100mb / s to 35MB / s
- Wechselobtik
- Etc.
I think the HPX3000 (or HPX3700 ^ ^) can be bad with a EX1 compare ...
The HPX `s focus on a different user group and are synonymous of the size, weight and price! in a totally different class ...
Antwort von

Anyone who thinks like the Digital Production SonyEX1 was comparable with the Panasonic HPX500 cameras should provide a direct comparison.
We film with two models ( In Lowlight at ca 80 LUX, we can with the HPX500 or without signal amplification where we work with the EX1 have to go 6-9 db.
Added to the EX1 strongly (via the firmware is set to light to be stronger) s.Kontrast loss.
The biggest flaw in our opinion, is the color, the less light so as to affect the pale images of the EX1 in Comparison to the HPX500.
If you look at the pictures Subjectively s.einem Studio Monitor is the difference between EX1 and HPX 500 serious
The HPX500 images and shine shine during the EX1 in the ratio closer s.der Z1 (FX1) as s.denen than the HPX500.
We have our own JVC GY-DV 5100 with 1 / 2 "chips and have to apologize to our notice that even the JVC is working with more color depth than the EX1 of the light would grow.
Surely Comparison of 5100 to EX1 not fair because no HD 5100 chips and has therefore established by the ro-ratio (Rho = density) more light on pixel area is replaced by X, but it is in the JVC, the signal gain no more than 6db Connect then it roars for our rights too much.
But a camera like the SonyEX1 which has been praised so highly of the Digital Production should be synonymous or diferenziert Sony intermediate test-and-device market? rather, it is outdated s.recht measuring the DP do not have the equipment of digital VIDIEO suspect we have.