Frage von stunned:
Dear Slashcam community!
as with the search I do not really get all the info could schilderdieb I separate my question here:
1 PC, now with an AGP graphics card (1x VGA port)
VGA port s.diesem hang by Y-Splitter 2 Displays, therefore, a visualization LineIn (Winamp) run.
now is a third screen added ... this is an overlay presentation synonymous run (movies, or just stuff from other applications, but it is synonymous overlay!
How can I achieve this? 2. graphics card (PCI then) out there?
how can I control later on which I display the application to run? or is it even possible in XP 2 x overlay to create (from 2 different sources) and this is then synonymous nor display 1 or 2 assign?
kann mir da jemand NEN tipp give? schonmal thank in advance:)
Antwort von Blizzard:

naja ... first thank for the numerous answer: D .... I run the thread of completeness because next time anyway;) (might be someone there has a similar plan ...)
Now yesterday I have a video card with 1x DVI + 1x vga vga adapter and bought ... -> Winamp Visualization of overlay on both displays synchronous! well ...
now my plan is now an additional PCI graphics card with VGA output which I installed the 2nd Overlay from eg VLC or Media Player on the big screen to send .... yes yes, I am naturally curious how this works:)
someone can give me on the VGA cable length of say, so long s.welcher a splitter / amplifier is needed? (probably not: D)
cheers, stunned
Antwort von stunned:

post was of me, was not properly logged in, sorry
Antwort von stunned:

What a piece of software, a tool which is simple JPG and video files regardless of format from a pre-defined folders and simply as auspickt Slideshow / Random playing without pause in between, maybe even on top of each other sets, and overlay / fullscreen output? would be very grateful for tips:)
Example: JPG pictures, short films just Shufflemäßig in the loop to be ...
Antwort von stunned:

with so much rush to my concern I would have expected nieee, hence the completeness half times update:;)
The PC has now been with a Geforce card with VGA out and DVI equipped ... s.dem DVI port hangs the 21 inch display on the VGA port is a small shard of the VGA signal to the amplifier with two 15 "displays or splits clone ... now in the graphics configuration to clone mode:
-> On all displays the same output in the overlay -> overlay visualization runs on all 3 displays ... beautiful! initially ...
I would like on the big screen, but movies from VLC or WMP show ... However, to respond to the 2 15 "TFT by the factions are still running Winamp visualization from ...
NEN someone Tip? (clone mode off ok, good idea and expand on desktop settings? but how do I overlay on the display show enlarged? geht das überhaupt 2x overlay?
I am looking forward to your reply many ... you are correct dufte: D: D