Frage von and12wo:
just sitting here with customers s.einem HD Project and get the data of the P2 Panasonic Avid does not opens.
The film was shot in 720/25p camera according to Assis. ...(??!?!?)
After seeing the MXF media files using a tool I've drawn, I can not open this "clip frame rate (50) does not match project frame rate - and, in any preset projects damned, they've all durchprobiert.
How can that be? Has someone an idea?
Greetings and thanks,
A: () (
Antwort von camworks:

make the project look at 720p50. but is clearly there, with the frame rate was actually rotated:
Clip framerate (50) if still not working, what is not true. may be 50 cm in front of the computer. ;-)
Antwort von and12wo:
make the project look at 720p50. but is clearly there, with the frame rate was actually rotated:
Clip framerate (50)
if still not working, what is not true. may be 50 cm in front of the computer. ;-) Thanks, but I've already written as yes, unfortunately, all the presets durchprobiert ...
Antwort von Puls:

I've 720p/50 in avid xpress 5.7.5 geschnitten. s.dieser version, the erst