Frage von wolfi28041990:![](
Hey people,
It is certainly very easy, but I got my first mac since Ner week and Finsler cut two days since ..
So as I get P2 cards in Final Cut Pro 6?
Log and Transfer recognizes in principle but the orange exclamation mark that says "Error: No data" will not let me continue! Import - P2 cards, which I've seen in tutorial work, unfortunately, not synonymous - there is the menu item that is not ..!
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you,
lg wolfi
Antwort von wolfi28041990:
got the driver again P2 newly installed, unfortunately nothing
The exclamation point (by the way, not orange but red is blank)
mainly what I do not understand: can look in the log transfer and preview ego only import does not work! how this can be??
who knows at least one method as I p2 card material into something else, can convert for Final Cut Pro to read?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
To which format are you anyway? A P2 is just the storage media on which a number can completely different SD and HD format to be recorded.
Antwort von wolfi28041990:
mxf currently is about the DV-format, taken with a HPX171.
I habs now synonymous right of trying the card, without the files to copy to the hard drive - unfortunately same results = (