Frage von ereaserhead:
I prefer to forget the "lastclip.txt" File with and over to save ( "Content" folder, of course, exist), P2, unfortunately, already formatted and transferred.
Now is the structure in the bucket and I can not capture.
Can someone help me here?
Antwort von deti:

Open text editor and File LASTCLIP.TXT create with the following contents:
1. Row: The name of the latest frame in the VIDEO folder without the file. MXF
2. Line: The string 1.0
3. Line: The number of files and directories under CONTENTS plus 1
Under MacOS X or Linux would create the following script the contents of the file LASTCLIP.TXT again:
# / bin / bash
ls-1t CONTENTS / VIDEO / | head -1 | sed s / .MXF / /> LASTCLIP.TXT
echo 1.0>> LASTCLIP.TXT
x = `find CONTENTS | wc-l`
echo $ x>> LASTCLIP.TXT
The script must be run in the root directory where the directory CONTENTS. On Windows, you need cygwin to run the script or has to stop making the effort of hand.