Frage von chrismo:
Hi folks,
I use a small analog LINOS CCD Camera with BNC-Out for a Project. It provides a PAL signal with the typical frame rate of 50 fields, I = 25 Hz to 25 Hz are just too slow, because the camera embedded in a system which is, that could work faster if the camera would be faster. Since I do not know how the state of the art is, I ask this out:
Is it analog! (nix Calculator) cameras that are on their video - Out a signal with more than 25 images / s can send? Perhaps even the PAL format retained, just faster?
If so where can you buy them, have found nothing on the net ...
Or is there PAL cameras, so you can prove that they are only every 2nd Column, so that the frame rate to 50 frames / s can be raised?
Thanks you.
Antwort von younes:

The Pal - Specification provides 50 fields per second. All other frame rates do not correspond to the PAL - standard, so they are not synonymous.
Without a calculator, or at least an arithmetic unit, you will not survive.
Antwort von WoWu:

... there are lots of "high-speed cameras for the sport or the industry sector .... is the top (almost) no limit ... but the prices are not synonymous ...
(if you need something fast, you must look at the DESY in Hamburg or the electron synchrotron at CERN demand. ...
... (this was just a joke)) ..
Antwort von WoWu:

... I have the little "analog" overlooked ... the guest is right, of course ... because in the industrial cameras computing chips are of course already there.
Antwort von Markus:

Yes, by analogy, would be one thing. Since the image would have the same output device will be supplied - fitting for the Camera and frame rate. A special solution, which together with nothing else running!
Antwort von kljosc:

As mentioned above, this is purely and simply can not! PAL is always 50 Hz, and if no but. HighSpeed While cameras can record with higher frequencies, but the material must be somewhere to store it (slows) in PAL format, then this will cause the slow effect.
Antwort von chrismo:

First thank you for your quick responses, with almost hab sowas thought.
High speed cameras would then become a little too much of a good, everything above 100 Hz would have been shipping money back.
I use the Camera is not synonymous to images, but as pure light-electricity conversion in a loop. So to me it was no preference whether you can look at the picture or not.
But ye have already, outside of special solutions sowas makes little sense.
Maybe I process but only every half synonymous, so the camera could be at least 50 Hz to get high.
Nevertheless, thank you again for your efforts ...
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) I use the Camera is not synonymous to images, but as pure light-electricity conversion in a loop. (...) Exactly. I do 'things differently, I have a high frequency with the satellite dish I use the energy of all possible waves in the atmosphere (of up wireless UMTS) in power conversion.
Antwort von chrismo:

Exactly. I do 'things differently, I have a high frequency with the satellite dish I use the energy of all possible waves in the atmosphere (of up wireless UMTS) in power conversion. Great help you are, how else should I describe you Coati?
I hold no preference as to whether the picture can still look at what the Kamrea output mir gehts halt only to the electrical signal that they ausspuckt to signal this with something else to control.
Also, make contributions nichtkonstruktive eh s.besten equal omit.
Antwort von HeikoS:

The PowerMac ignore "button is at the next forum software upper right corner to find. That was me of the official Page confirmed.
For your other problem: NTSC is 60Hz so if you ne analog NTSC camera could operate, so wert noch'n ticking faster.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Heiko, you are one synonymous to the development team of the light-electricity converter that uses a video camera to produce electricity? Unfortunately my camera needs electricity, but I'm not as synonymous as genial and Chrismo Heike, uh Heiko.
Antwort von kljosc:

Hmm, I think you PowerMac searched on this issue just simply do not plan what is at stake, video technology is probably not your area, so better just squabbling.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Yes, I know me better in the field work.
Antwort von kljosc:

That makes no's, we have started all times, but I can give you like a few good books on the subject recommend if you like.
Antwort von HeikoS:

That is so stupid. Did you have a minimum s.Schlagfertigkeit believed.
I wanted you really do not oneself, but I am now a bit embarrassing. Perhaps the moderator mal ne Other tiny exception ... just this sentence in the PowerMacs here .... meaning .... delete?
but I'm not as synonymous as genial and Chrismo Heike, uh Heiko.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Schatzi, synonymous sometimes you have to suffer with me. After the field work I am always the sexes. Despite all the grain (!), I am still not clear how a CCD camera produces electricity. CCD Camera unequally photovoltaic system.
Antwort von kljosc:
Schatzi, synonymous sometimes you have to suffer with me. After the field work I am always the sexes. Despite all the grain (!), I am still not clear how a CCD camera produces electricity. CCD Camera unequally photovoltaic system. Is quite simple: If the camera in the hand, he has power ...
OK, I've been better, but perhaps enough of the tips to defuse?
Antwort von renabue:

It is so synonymous nowhere claimed that the CCD to replace a power plant, apart from actually CCDs convert light into electrical loads => electricity
Antwort von gast2:

he wants the camera as a light sensor in order to use something to control. do you?