Frage von Meister am Mac:
Hello Slashcam community!
I have already frequently gewühlt through your forum and am now determined synonymous large part of the whole to be:)
Now to my question:
16:9 I draw with my SonyVX1000 on the PAL and would like to Picture Full HD. Availability FCS 2, Avid Media Composer 3 and Adobe Premiere Pro CS3. Sure, the offer Exportassi all in all formats, but there's not only bigger and bigger with the same resolution.
If the Picture synonymous with consistent quality output?
Thank you for your help!
Antwort von WoWu:

Hello Master s.Mac
.... Once you take with the VX1000 is not in PAL, but in 576i25, because the VX1000 is no analog camera ... and you have obviously synonymous only the corresponding (detail)-Resolution720x576.
If you have the picture now at 1920x1080 high scale like, does it only with interpolation.
This results in no more detail, but more pixels.
Of the Picture is not sharp, but only bigger, as you've already noted.
Quite the contrary, it can happen to you, depending on what procedure you with interpolierst that even detail is lost.
Furthermore, the question arises as to the formats ... because CCIR601 after you take with the VX1000 in the aspect ratio to 5:4, but want the 16:9 aspect ratio, which are 1.25: 1.778 ... and also of slightly rectangular pixels into square ....
The picture can only be worse.
Antwort von Meister am Mac:

Hello WoWu,
Picture the difficult sounds really nice to get high. Are there ways with hardware still open? Interpol. render straight, I hope this will be a success, but many thanks in advance for your quick help!
Regards, Max
Antwort von PowerMac:

MPEG Streamclip can do quite well. A question in the forum of could greatly help. This will be regularly treated.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Master s.Mac
Max, this is of course always a question of entitlement.
But even the upscaling of TV stations, with the best hardware to be made are still a lot to be desired. (As each of the test transmissions could see).
There are of course lots of synonymous tool that make ... as I said, if you do not have high expectations, the course presents.
But you will see the old image does not reach.
Antwort von Meister am Mac:

@ PowerMac,
Okay, then I will, willy-nilly, must remain so. What would be good, so the Picture ausrendern and play to the strength of the TV hoping for safety's sake, or high on FullHD?
Antwort von PowerMac:

Even highly expected.
Antwort von tommyb:

That's up to the TV s.and its signal processing, and the way how the signal from the medium (eg DVD) on the television arrived.
You simply uses a DVD and includes the DVD player via Scart Cable Television s.deinen, then get your TV in the worst case, a composite / CVBS signal quality which in the lowest range.
Is the video from the DVD player via S-video or component, then this looks even better (S-video <component).
From your television comes into play. Is it an LCD from the Blödmarkt to 299, - price range, the picture by a possibly inferior deinterlacer hunted, forced entrauscht and s.Ende groats did you like it from the normal cable TV knows.
You resize your picture before on Full HD high, you can depend of used software and scaling algorithms to the little Picture considerably worse. Worse, it will be on each case, but the better the software hochskaliert, the less it falls on s.Ende.
If you FullHD this signal now s.den TV ausgibst - eg via HDMI - you may have the advantage that the Television for 299, - the picture is no longer with its upscaling must possibly inferior scaler. But it is deinterlaced with the highest probability, if you are not a true random 24p signal s.das givest device (which is synonymous real 24p can play).
Since, however, would still have the internal Verschlimmbesserungsalgorithmen the Picture noise, saturation and increase the contrast and maybe to sharpen.
I personally think beitrebe Television with a HTPC via the DVI-HDMI s.einem 42 "SONY Bravia (W3000 or so) is connected. The picture which I admit being a Resolutionvon 1920x1080, all are Entrauschungseinstellungen OFF (yes, this is fortunately) and scaled when playing by DirectShow (eg with ffdshow and the Lanczos filter).
This bubble, I the files are not artificially (before compression) and thus no verbrate space and a small part quality. Functioning then synonymous only with Windows (if ffdshow).