Frage von macuser77:
where you buy your DV tapes?
moment find the best price for PANASONIC AY-DVM63PQ with 3.90 ¬
I need 100 pieces of times - where to buy and a good price / piece receive?
to Austria should not be too expensive ;-)
Edit from Mod: thread under the heading "camcorder-accessories folder.
Antwort von nörgler:

What ever heard of google? or sites of which one (mostly) objective Preisvergleich to offer? or ...?
Antwort von macuser77:
What ever heard of google? or sites of which one (mostly) objective Preisvergleich to offer? or ...?
in order to answer your question - yes, I have ever heard of google what me and prices ( views.
my question was more likely to experience the slashcamforenmitglieder which perhaps a special price for larger quantities (under the aforementioned 3.90 ¬) and get good experiences with certain companies have made.
Antwort von scream:

Check it out at amazon
Antwort von macuser77:

grrrrrr ... AMAZON this is my problem
Austria after the delivery is at mini-DV cassettes are no longer available :-(
I used to always ordered at amazon (heul)
we suggest that you at the EM ;-)
Antwort von der henne:

look at