Frage von groover:
Hi Folks
Can someone please tell with whether I can handle DVC PRO HD material, recorded with the HPX171, with the Magix Video Deluxe 16-Premium.
I would get a piece of the camera, but have no experience with DVC PRO HD and Magix.
Have until now only been working with HDV material.
If you truly grateful for some information.
Antwort von B.DeKid: search word in
DVC PRO HD Magix brought
in following link
B. DeKid
Antwort von groover:

@ B.deKid
Thanks for the fast response times.
The problem is that helps me, unfortunately, not next.
I even got the Video Deluxe 16 Premium version s.Calculator.
I'm on the net until now, unfortunately, nothing can find the help next to me.
What I need is a statement if my editing program DVC PRO HD takes and how I can import it into the editing program.
I hope it can still help someone.
Antwort von Jott:

You'd better Look at the 151.
Antwort von groover:

... already seen.
Then I would have been more to the new SonyNX5 in AVCHD format.
Although I do not know as synonymous as the integration of functions into Magix.
Antwort von Jott:

NX5 and 151 both make AVCHD, no difference.
Antwort von groover:

already, but the Sonyhat the better display and Lowlightfähigkeit.
Let me, however, like to convince every argument for and am grateful :-)