Frage von christian e.:
Where are these two cameras at the main differences? and what is actually of the HDV format to keep?
Antwort von Markus:
Where are these two cameras at the main differences? Spontaneous covered with three things On: Panasonic / Sony DV / HDV and XLR / XLR no.
About HDV alone you will find in this forum countless contributions, and I do not like me ausmalen what Google would find anything until ... ;-)
Antwort von walthermarco:

I have HDV camcorders of different brands tested for months,
all draw on in mpeg format, and what comes out is sobering. unschärfe especially when moving, because the mpg is only every 12th bild full record. the specified 1900 x 1000 pixels Camera None of voting. everything is with 1400 x1000 pixels (known as 1080i / 50) and recorded the good programs such as Canopus or adobe pinnacle equalize the already bad mpeg high signal at 1900 x
1000. where the building is deteriorating course, while any further herunterrechnen at 720 x 576 (equivalent to standard DVD) movies are just terribly pale blurred. as a film lecturer (on large screens around 5x3m), I have the finished rendered mpgs compared with my panasonic DVX 100A although only with 720 x 576 but the records in avi format and with 25 full screen. with the program hochrechgerechnet Stumpfl to 1400 x1000 pixels. with my canon biem of 1400 x 1000 pixels can be compared, it is frightening how the so-called HDV cameras apostatize against normal good old old 3 chip cameras in avi format.
the camera, I recommend that users wait until a real HDV camera comes out, not at 1900 pixel needs to be rectified, and with the Full avi or similar records.
werner Sternath
Antwort von walthermarco:

And a 7th Time the same nonsense ...
Antwort von bawibabwa:

if you all so much for free, why hast thou then no user name? or are registered here?
other tests I have read and seen synonymous!
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

... Some call it "a lot of cameras for free," I call it shameless advantage of the free distance law, specifically § § 312d, 355, 356 BGB ... :-)
Antwort von Master_neo:

And say what these paragraphs? A sentence enough ...