Frage von windtspiel:
have researched and would like to not be a theme a la "What is better?: Premiere CS4 Production Premium, or Final Cut Studio 2" unstop. Instead, it is about a very specific case:
So far, I have worked with Magix and now would like to see a more professional editing program growth. I'm still half a year in school and would like to use the time to bring our own film projects a reality and myself to a possible internship in the post-production preparation. I have this PC:
1. PC
AMD Athlon (tm) 64 Processor
3700 + *
1024 MHz DIMM
(up to 4 GB expandable) * Radeon X700 SE with
512 MB and I could of the Adobe Production Suite Student Edition for 355.81 Euro [normal price: 2497.81 euro) instead, but I could synonymous for 250 euro buy this mac:
1. the Power Mac G5 Dual:
* A [b] Dual-Core 2.3 GHz [/ b] PowerPC G5 processor;
512 MB 533 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
(up to 16 GB extensible); * NVIDIA GeForce 6600 with
and my Final Cut Studio 2 Education for 898.45 to get [normal price: 1299 euro]. (of course I could synonymous normal Final Cut Studio 2 buy later to make updates to be - but that would have been a lot of money and arg sounds exaggerated).
What do you think? For the same price I would be Final Cut Pro tend, but which is not so. Instead, the PC version will cost 350 euros and the Mac version 1150 euros (Software + Calculator). So a rich price difference of 800 euros, or if I have the normal Final Cut 1550 and would get a difference of 1300 Euro. Apart from this, I should probably both computers memory upgrade.
Oh yes: I have no experience with Final Cut or Premiere.
Thank you so much already - I hope I have expressed myself somewhat understandable.
Antwort von chrisl:

My tip:
registering you in adobe lad and you just a demo of the CS4 Production Suite down. Thus, you can then practice one months and see if the calculator has enough power.
Otherwise, I would you like Final Cut Express + the G5 (250 ¬ is a bargain) recommend. For most cases, the features first. If you then times with Money Case meritorious, can you still buy the whole box.
Antwort von High_Tension:

One of the versions:
For Adobe, there's the student edition (which you've mentioned) and an SSL version that will cost roughly the same as the Final Cut suite in the Student Version. The difference is that the latter is upgradeable and that you fully synonymous they can commercially exploit.
The student version of Final Cut differs in nothing of the normal version. That means you can synonymous reduced the full version upgrade and they can commercially exploit synonymous. On the telephone, the man of Apple said something like "Apple will even have their students use commercially later version."
Just as info. Perhaps yes in decision-making.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Marius
At the moment it is synonymous still not entirely unimportant, what format you record and want to edit.
An MPEG-2 format or the MPEG4 AVC codec, Apple does not currently controlled.
It is therefore synonymous slightly on your ideas about the workflow and on the footage, which you create.
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) The student version of Final Cut differs in nothing of the normal version. That means you can synonymous reduced the full version upgrade and they can commercially exploit synonymous. On the telephone, the man of Apple said something like "Apple will even have their students use commercially later version." (...) That is wrong. You can not upgrade later with the Education version of make. And commercially they may not use synonymous.
Antwort von Mylenium:
The difference is that the latter is upgradeable and that you fully synonymous they can commercially exploit.
The student version of Final Cut differs in nothing of the normal version. That means you can synonymous reduced the full version upgrade and they can commercially exploit synonymous. On the telephone, the man of Apple said something like "Apple will even have their students use commercially later version." Conversely, out of a shoe. Adobe products can be upgraded and synonymous for purposes of profit used Apple Edu / Academic versions are not, as far as I know.
Antwort von soahC:

So as I see you with two versions of problems, because the calculator simply have no power. Especially with the specified RAM, you can virtually "nothing" to start.
I would therefore cheaper PC version and take MINIMUM 2 Gig Ram purely pack.
Software you get with the CS4 suite of course, already a quite extensive package. I could be alone on Photoshop and After Effects never renounce
Antwort von PowerMac:

In Photoshop, you really can not renounce. After Effects? Even more. Motion get much faster and easier way, but of course AE is greater.
Antwort von High_Tension:

Conversely, out of a shoe. Adobe products can be upgraded and synonymous for purposes of profit used Apple Edu / Academic versions are not, as far as I know.
Mylenium There are two types of Adobe, the Edu version, fully upgradeable and commercial use. See
hierand die Schülerversion. Nicht upgradefähig and nicht kommerziell nutzbar. Siehe
That is wrong. You can not upgrade later with the Education version of make. And commercially they may not use synonymous. With regard to the ability to upgrade, I'm going to be right. However, I was able to because of the commercial use does not particularly clear on this Apple page. We have considered whether early times we are not the Academicversion buy. Eventually, but not the price difference because of the deductions made.
In any case, so I phoned times with Apple and the nice man s.anderen end told me that it is desirable Academicversionen later commercial use. Can of course be that the verarscht has me. If you link to the NEN use provisions did I would be very grateful to you. I do not want to die stupid.
Antwort von Mylenium:
Motion get much faster and easier way, but of course AE is greater. Probably depends on ...
Antwort von windtspiel:

first of all thank you for the fast and numerous answers!
As of chris! proposed, I will first test the demo of CS4 Production Suite and thus synonymous my calculator test. Am currently in the process of clean up and I've ordered new RAM.
When I look at the features of Final Cut Express angeguckt, I was a little skeptical. Of course I still have no real idea, but it seems to me more like a stumbling step, if I am of Magix and to solve more professional editing software would like to change.
To these students version enlighten Case:
- Production Suite CS4 Student Edition about 350 Euro / no upgrade, non-commercial
- SSL Edition about 772 Euro (for students uae.) / Upgrade, commercial use allowed
- Normal Edition about 2500 Euro / Upgrade, commercially
- Final Cut Studio 2 Education about 900 Euro / no upgrade, not commercially
- Final Cut Studio 2 (normal) about 1300 Euro / Upgrade, commercially
Effects because of Final Cut from Apple synonymous again called and since I was confirmed that the Education Edition is not upgradeable and is synonymous not for commercial purposes may be used.
@ Wolfgang: thanks for the ISBN number - and if it is very urgent, can I ask you personally;)
Hm ... My current dream camera, the Canon XH A1s is in DV and MPEG-2 on. So far I only have experience with DV. What bites is because Final Cut Studio 2 and MPEG-2?
How Motion 3 and After Effets differ of course I do not know ... After Effects, but somehow seems more to offer, but complex to be synonymous. I would prefer a Mac Pro, Final Cut Studio 2 and about Photoshop and After Effects ... but that would be a little too expensive;)
So, as mentioned above, I will be the first CS4 Production Suite test and see how my calculator comes with its clear - this seems to me at the moment s.billigsten and then I also get a feel for the Adobe stuff.
Depending on how it is I decide to then next.
A question from me but still on the heart: if I or anywhere else for internships in the Post Production Forestry, most companies are looking for people with experience with Final Cut, Avid and then only very rarely premiere. Apart from what is now s.besten: it could be that Premiere itself almost never used commercially, but After Effects and Photoshop synonymous perhaps part of the Final Cut Cutting Square?
Thank you, thank you, thank you and a pleasant evening,
Antwort von Mylenium:
that Premiere itself almost never used commercially, but After Effects and Photoshop synonymous perhaps part of the Final Cut Cutting Square? Yes-No-Maybe. I see it's more likely that people like crazy on Final Cut Pro + Mac have fallen as the "old" Premiere (6.0/6.5) is no longer technologically up-to-date and was synonymous Avid nix could offer. In addition, both the Avid as its synonymous Adobe Programs for a while on the Mac does not have offered or the versions of light years behind the PC version hinterherhingen. Thus, Final Cut Pro then synonymous almost the only editing program that it was for Mac. The rest is more of marketing and subsidized pricing. Should we stop to wait. Meanwhile, there are enough users, who of Final Cut Pro because of its quirks and bugs are just as angesäuert ... This monopoly could always wiggle synonymous, unless the competing again slightly better in the pots comes ...
Antwort von PowerMac:

I maintain that at the time, most production companies are using Final Cut Pro.
Premiere was never properly enforced. Meanwhile, it is better. Have tested the demo, think Final Cut Pro offers still more.
Antwort von soahC:

Example for what? (If a serious question)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Question should perhaps be what you are synonymous in the post-production later want to do.
More cutting (cutter)
More EFX
Because then you really should go.
Because you will need about 3 years you're in one of these areas which can (that is now in the can "set.)
Order in the next EFX you to form remains only Adobe - because in the CS so synonymous with Photoshop and Illustrator, etc. is
Clean cut then I would tend to Final Cut Pro (or Avid) tend.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Mylenium:
I maintain that at the time, most production companies are using Final Cut Pro. QMS - Quatsch with sauce. That may be regional in the companies so that you know, but here with us is still thick as Avid, no preference whether the MDR itself or in various external production companies. Quite the contrary, there are Macs in the video field as good as none. I know of only one company, of which I know 100% that they are with Final Cut Pro intersect. Since I fall even more, which intersect with Premiere. ;-) Be careful with gross generalizations ...
Antwort von windtspiel:

I have just reinstalled Winbugs my RAM upgraded the trial version of CS4 Production Premium installed - old Swede, I feel as if I am in front of a mountain riiiiiiesigem are - and are now trying to an overview and the best way to find.
Slice or EFX? Puih ... just a broad overview of both win. As far as I'm not. But because long-term vision is perhaps not too bad.
I thank you very very very moment dolle for your help, if I get the opportunity soon Final Cut anzutesten, then I would have a direct comparison.
Keep you posted.