Frage von Neufilmerin:
Unfortunately, there are many different opinions about the video editing, so I am here looking for advice.
I'm looking for Panasonic 300 SD.
Video Editing: eventually Magix Video Deluxe 15
My question: Would the ug PC performance with a good video editing possible? HD
At the moment I'm filming with Panasonic GS 500th I hope for a better picture quality.
PC Performance: Intel ® Core !" 2 Quad-Core Q8200 processor (; 2.33 GHz, 4MB Cache, 1333MHz FSB), Vista,
graphics card
512MB ATI ® Radeon !" HD 4350 graphics card
4,096 MB of dual-channel DDR2 memory with 800 MHz [4 x 1.024]
Antwort von Neufilmerin:

Perhaps I should rephrase my question:
My concern is whether I am with (my PC, see below) 300 can use the Panasonic SD camcorder at the highest resolution?
If my computer power is not enough then I would rather stay with my SD camcorder.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

If you for example would work with EDIUS Neo, ie transkodierst before cutting the AVCHD clips in HQ AVI Intraframeintermediate, then it will probably work out just with your calculator. Valves, it will probably synonymous with the proxy video option which is offered by PowerDirector 7 Ultra.
Antwort von sarotti67:

I would say that you will not be happy with your Rchner, he is far too weak. I use pinnacle 12 pros to create FullHD BluRay with nem @ 2.9 GHz Intel QX 6700 is with its 4 cores fully busiest and while the handling is very slow. When I had the Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 at 3GHZ it, I had to wait in the processing hanger and "please" was carried out continuously on the monitor, therefore not possible ne vernümpftige Video Editing
Antwort von tommyb:

When AVCHD, then the moment with intermediate files. With an appropriate package of Cineform synonymous This calculator should be sufficient for the cut.
In four or five years you can then synonymous with the calculator of ALDI, natively.
Antwort von derhaxn:

hi I have recently had a synonymous hd-camcorder (; gained Canon HF10)
and therefore would need a new computer next time-synonymous to synonymous the filmed some day be able to cut times. However, the more I read here in the forum, the more I have the feeling that this is the computer I would need to work smoothly to not even exist, or not less than 1500, - now I wonder makes sense obs slow further 1 / 2 year wait to be with the neukauf, or obs would be better to purchase immediately and temporarily transcode just barely be seen. have until now mostly with magix-vd, sliced or with premiere, I can transcode with these programs synonymous or should I use another software for avchd?
Antwort von Frank B.:

I have gained yesterday, the Panasonic HDC SD 300 and thus first recording was made. The files I've changed s.PC in the Canopus HQ codec (; Online Fine setting). These files are to be processed properly with my PC. AVCHD - direct editing you can remove the make up is synonymous with much better computers. That was me, but before that clear. For this reason and because of the real-time display of HD material I had purchased for a special campaign last December, the Canopus Edius HD incl Storm 5.1 for 800, - Euro.
PC: Dual Core 2.4 GHz
2 GB Ram
3x 320 GB HDDs
Canopus HD Storm / Edius 5:11
Edius is on my calculator on the HD-Storm at least 2 data streams in real time at the HDMI Output dar. more I have not tried it yet.
With the settings of the Canopus HQ codec I need to experiment a bit. Perhaps someone can tell me yes times, with what values I can compress to achieve very good quality with the lowest possible data rate.
The files are (great in the Canopus HQ codec under the above setting huge, about 1 GB / min.).
I myself only in the context of the purchase of the SD 300 with the Canopus HQ codec employed, as I have worked in HDV (; SonyFX 1), which I have not used the Canopus codec. HDV editing is loose with my configuration possible.
Antwort von Neufilmerin:

Thanks for the replies.
1. If I understand correctly, then the program to convert canopus EDIUS Neo would be right for my PC? I found a version for about 60 euros on the net?
2. A question about the defense: Is it enough if I have the AVCHD file (; original from the camcorder) to external hard drive store safe?
Dub So in practice: recording camcorder, PC, conversion of AVCHD to HQ AVI Intraframeintermediate -> editing / burning
- So I could delete the Intraframeintermediate HQ AVI file and then save only the AVCHD file? - I've read that the HQ-AVI file Intraframeintermediate need much space, hence the question.
3. For a 16 GB memory card, I will be synonymous (expected 16 GB backup, and when I save the AVCHD file) or is the still greater?
4. As it looks for from the transformation with Qualiätsverlust? This whole transformation is only a stopgap. I would burn at the moment on DVD. And I would leave the original files for future Blu-Ray edition.
It would be great if I could answer just one of these questions.
Antwort von tommyb:

1. If something of Canopus, then ProCoder 3
2. Yes. For security reasons perhaps on DVD. After three years of hard disks can not die operation synonymous. Safer would be a constant current (; or at least to s.and) RAID 1 If there dies a plate, then you can replace them immediately.
2a. Yes, Intermediate consumption generally. more memory. Depending on the codec and the compression of more or less in size. It's worth as a workflow with Sony Vegas, the first transcode AVCHD files, at half resolution, with lower quality. In parallel we will create such synonymous with maximum quality. After you finished with the cut of the low-quality files, then you are exchanging the files easily from (; rename folder, overwriting old files, etc.) has one and Schwups full quality.
3. 16 GB or 16 GB.
4. A conversion to a lossy codec is always associated with losses. It raises only the question of whether one sees them synonymous. The bitrate is high enough and some disabled qualitätsfressenden features, one can sometimes not of the original (to distinguish the copy, unless one considers the material s.and it zooms to 400%).
Master your cut you can play out in what ever you want synonymous. I export it as to XviD with disabled features kompressionsverbessernden (; eg Adaptive Quantinization).
Antwort von Frank B.:

Hello Regina,
to 1: I do not know if the older version of the converter software is already doing so. The new one has it (probably, although I'm not sure synonymous, as I use Edius 5.11). 'd Have time to search yourself.
to 2 and 3: That's right!
to 4: Qualitätsversust You can, I think neglect. The looks and probably most synonymous attaches no man.
Antwort von Neufilmerin:

Hi Frank,
as did our posts overlapped. :-)
Thanks for the reply.
Now I buy the Panasonic 300 SD and am very pleased.
A question about the replacement battery. Until now I had almost always not original Batteries and never problems. If you have decided for the original battery, or a cheaper substitute?
Antwort von Neufilmerin:

I have found myself once a bid canopus EDIUS Neo and it states:
"AVCHD Converter software for conversion of AVCHD clips to the Canopus HQ format" HDV - AVCHD DVD DV Schnittsoftware_W0QQitemZ170299939436QQcmdZViewItemQQptZSoftware? Item27a6aada6c hash = & _trksid = p3286.c0.m14 & _trkparms = 65% 3A12% 7C66% 3A2% 7C39% 3A1% 7C72% 3A1229% 7C240% 3A1318% 7C301% 3A1% 7C293% 3A1% 7C294 % 3A50
Because until now I have little experience in video editing, I would be reluctant to spend over 300 euros for ProCoder 3rd Incorporated only once in a cheaper version.
If I have misunderstood something, please correct. I'm still a complete amateur. :-(;
Antwort von Frank B.:

To purchase a second durchgerungen Batteries I have not seen me. Is coming soon. It is very likely not original.
The camera is no SD card. Therefore, these and an HDMI cable was first purchased. SD Card s.Class 4th
The cost for the accessories you should never lose sight of.
To your Edius Neo - Choice: Yes, the program for the conversion seems indeed to be there. Think again but still doing research, or whether it cooperates SW synonymous with a Canopus HD Spark. The latest version makes das so later you can buy in a relatively inexpensive hardware output in real time of the HD signal.
Antwort von Neufilmerin:

Yes, the 16 GB card I buy synonymous. Without equipment the best camcorder is useless.
From a Canopus HD Spark far I have never heard of. I will have to invest much time and effort in with the cheap / "outdated work" program. Therefore I am cautious in that regard.
Antwort von Neufilmerin:

I take on this old topic because I am with my videos at the moment having problems.
I know that my PC is the fastest:
PC Performance: Intel ® Core !" 2 Quad-Core Q8200 processor (; 2.33 GHz, 4MB Cache, 1333MHz FSB), Vista,
graphics card
512MB ATI ® Radeon !" HD 4350 graphics card
4,096 MB of dual-channel DDR2 memory with 800 MHz [4 x 1.024]
I use Edius Neo, to convert AVCHD clips first and then cut and spending on DVD.
In the first clip, it worked. Although the conversion will take some time depending on size, but it went away. Finished DVDs I have already created.
My problem: Edius Neo has now permanently crashes. If I want to load in the Bin window, select the AVCHD clip to convert it crashes the program. Even at 10-minute clips.
That it can work, I've already seen. Also minutes for large files of 35th
I save the files at the moment on my hard drive. Could the reason be? The internal hard drive but still much space. An external hard drive I can buy soon.
I hope it can help me someone. Sure would be a faster PC fine, but this is still going ...
Antwort von Rolf Hankel:
I take on this old topic because I am with my videos at the moment having problems.
I know that my PC is the fastest:
PC Performance: Intel ® Core !" 2 Quad-Core Q8200 processor (; 2.33 GHz, 4MB Cache, 1333MHz FSB), Vista,
graphics card
512MB ATI ® Radeon !" HD 4350 graphics card
4,096 MB of dual-channel DDR2 memory with 800 MHz [4 x 1.024]
I use Edius Neo, to convert AVCHD clips first and then cut and spending on DVD.
In the first clip, it worked. Although the conversion will take some time depending on size, but it went away. Finished DVDs I have already created.
My problem: Edius Neo has now permanently crashes. If I want to load in the Bin window, select the AVCHD clip to convert it crashes the program. Even at 10-minute clips.
That it can work, I've already seen. Also minutes for large files of 35th
I save the files at the moment on my hard drive. Could the reason be? The internal hard drive but still much space. An external hard drive I can buy soon.
I hope it can help me someone. Sure would be a faster PC fine, but this is still going ...
Regina Hello
You do not have to walk in the Bin window, but draw from outside: simply changing to the clip on the AVCHD2HQ icon, which is faster and consumes less space.
Gruss Rolf ...
Satisfied users EDIUS 5:12
Antwort von Neufilmerin:

Hello Rolf,
Thanks for the reply.
Please where can I find the AVCHD2HQ icon? As I said, I have only the version of Edius Neo.
More detailed description of the problem: the camera stores but at a certain number of off-GB (;) short break. And I have problems with the "rest Clips.
Do you understand what I mean? The beginning can be converted normally. But when I come to the clips, where (the Camera, the pause, because GB size has filed) depends on Edius Neo.
I hope that someone can explain to me?
Antwort von RickyMartini:

Have you installed the converter, are the corresponding icons on the desktop. Accordingly, you must download and install the converter on the home page and.
Antwort von Neufilmerin:

Thank you. As a beginner I did not know that.
Seems to me (; for the rest of clips so far) ever receive an error message:
Runtime Error! Program ... Edius Neo.exe
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in s.unusual way. For more information contact the Serive.
--- The program I've started from scratch and it was no time between.
I hope that someone knows this error?
Antwort von RickyMartini:

If the message right after startup without you have loaded the Project?
A reinstallation would probably not be so wrong.
Antwort von Neufilmerin:

I start the program, go to new project.
Then View - Bin window. There I pick on + open the appropriate file to add file ...
If the file in the Bin window is visible, I go on converting to the new format.
The problems are only in the "rest of clips.
I filmed 50 minutes continuously. For roughly the first 34 min there are no problems. But for the rest of crashes the program.
On the memory card the 50 minutes are available. So no data errors.
Antwort von Neufilmerin:

Edius main unresponsive. It searches for a solution. Program closes.
This error is always synonymous.
Antwort von RickyMartini:

I recommend addressing all necessary clips in the HQ codec, convert, and thus a new project.
Edius may well be in AVCHD clips "entangled" so it comes to crash. Edius is synonymous not designed for those files. Not for nothing is the way in AVCHD always on the HQ codec for Edius.
Antwort von Neufilmerin:
I recommend to convert all the required clips in the HQ codec Yes, I have tried to transform the whole time ... - With error messages.
Thank you for the tip with the converter. With the works now.
Antwort von Rolf Hankel:
I recommend to convert all the required clips in the HQ codec
Yes, I have tried to transform the whole time ... - With error messages.
Thank you for the tip with the converter. With the works now. Hello
Another tip: There is an excellent Canopus forum with many experts, as I was helped up to now ALWAYS
Gruss Rolf ...