Frage von Magasie:
I have Cam bought me a Canon DC100 Pal, and have done something synonymous recorded. But then, out of the early Christmas gift a tragedy. I have the CD in my calculator laid course prior mitgekaufte SE software pinnacle studio version 10 installed, but my calculator, the cam of the recorded CD is not read (access to the drive in which the Cam-CD is not possible). Please can someone without any Fachsimplerei (which I do not understand) explain what I need, so the CD can be detected. What do I need? I despair and it would be good advice for everyone very grateful.
Nette Grüße Magasie
Antwort von wolfgang:

Your device is a DVD camcorder, and records to DVDs, and not CDs. Stupid question perhaps, but synonymous, you have a DVD drive?
Antwort von StefanS:

If the DVD is finalized in the camera?
Finalizing -> Manual