Frage von Ladbroke:
I have a little product video rotated, cut, and then composed with Magix Video Pros exported as MPEG2 and burn to CD.
With about 30 burned CDs and sent, there are problems here and there when you play with Windows Media Player (external computer).
Now of course there are a whole range of possible causes. Angefagen of the configuration / stability of the computer playing ....
Here in the house and ran all the test-run CD's on different desktops and notebooks einwandfrei. Is it generally a problem, when the MPEG2 file to CD and DVD burning is not (Wikipedia notes to MPEG format)?
Does anyone have a hint whether this combination can cause problems (I need a combination, on as many computers running smoothly)? Or has someone another proposal on the possible cause for concern.
I know without a detailed error analysis and exact parameters (PC, software settings, burners, etc.) the request is somewhat vague.
I'm for any idea or suggestion appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Antwort von Markus:

may be because a win-alone PC with on-board resources (ie, without installing any additional codecs and player) is already MPEG2 playback? If yes, s.welcher Win-version is that possible?