Frage von Supi:
I had me a Digi-Cam NV-GS300 (Panasonic) purchased. And I have the software included USB driver loaded onto the PC.
The problem: The PC hardware erkent not. It is always a Fehlerkmedlung. Thus the film, I can not get on the PC. I've uninstalled everything and loaded again. Nix.
What is the problem? I am yet to start and simply no longer come next. I would be very happy about tips.
Gruss Sven
Antwort von robbs:

The problem is about 1000-fold known, especially if you are using USB via DV Cam single attempt. Maybe you should as a PC expert look over at least googling something better inform
Antwort von PowerMac:

Correction: the problem is about 1 million times known.
Antwort von tobibonsai:

Thanks for helping me next ...
Antwort von tobibonsai:

Okay, I have so gegoogelt and herusgefunden that a so-called "Firewire cable" is required (why something is not always synonymous is). This will be in the appropriate port s.mein laptop. Question remains: And the other end, so s.der Camera, it comes in, where now the times of the USB cable in it, or where? I have only this and the DV jack. Or must the Camera with this cable or a completely different socket have?
I would be really happy if someone help me.
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Since the endeavor Manufacturer to illustrate their descriptions, but None is looking, of Reading, I would like to talk because garnicht.
Werd s.Panasonic times an email address in the future as it looks with podcast.
/ E
Antwort von tobibonsai:

The DV port is the right one. He is among a variety of names kept. Firewire is the most common, iLink and IEEE1394 (and DV) are usually synonymous.
That is the connection, which you with any DV Camera s.jeden connection with the corresponding PC can connect to virtually any software with your DV and single cutting. The necessary drivers are already included in Windows. That is the safe and best way quallitativ.
Why the Manufacturer the USB cable the data and not the Firewire, which remains secret.
Antwort von Hollgo:
Why the Manufacturer the USB cable the data and not the Firewire, which remains secret. Is clear, however: because a USB cable is much cheaper than a Firewire cable, which in comparison to an HDMI cable but still a pig is to be effective. :))
Antwort von Eva Maier:

I am rather of the opinion that the USB cable is so that the camera with the included software is now operational, while still get to another Firewire editing program (third party) is required.
/ E
Antwort von Hollgo:

... A USB cable is (let's be honest) for the dubbing of the DV AVI inappropriate. Of course this is when the USB camcorders something else.
Who seriously with DV-cams work to come but not at the purchase of a FW cable fail.
Antwort von Eva Maier:

The USB cable is designed for the photos, otherwise you should still synonymous with the problem - how do I get my photos of the Kasmera look into the PC.
Thank you s.Panasonic.
/ E
Antwort von Supi:

Is it with the Firewire cable, the software mitgeliefterte "Sweet Movie Life", etc to use? Or I need some other editing programs?
Antwort von Markus:
Or I need some other editing programs? Very likely you already have, therefore, need another editing program, Sweet Movie Life because very few rudimentary features expected.
Similar to Movie Maker, the default in Windows XP is. The s.Anfang you could take and is synonymous to the (only?) With Firewire.
Settings in Movie Maker:
FireWire FAQ">7. How come the images from the tape on the calculator?
Antwort von steveb:

eg the free version of avid ...
Antwort von Supi:

First, many thanks for your replies. I like me just get such a cable and then I'll see what happens. I will post later how it went.
Würde mich sehr freuen more (link) Hints regarding Bearbeitugsprogramme to get. I have no great expectations. I would however like a pre-or guy in the movie or at least subtitles. That was with the software of Panasonic possible. A pity that I no longer can use ..
Antwort von steveb:

are synonymous for older versions of zb Ulead and Magix, you can set for little money can buy. zb to mention when or how avid.