Frage von Lakaranti:
Halli Hallo,
I am currently looking for a tripod for my valent PD 170, primary use will be fair locations (including interviews, etc.)
To the 200, - ¬ are planned, but is guaranteed to be close. For a Vinten Sachtler or missing at the moment unfortunately. : |
Perhaps even someone with significant experience of tripods.
Antwort von c.herf:

valent in tripods can, I think, quite used to draw.
Look for example: ebay: Item number: 140297974558
Voted for my VX2100 (yes, in about the same weight as the PD170) is a 055c and Manfrotto Tripod Manfrotto 128RC Video Eiger and used both for 85 ¬ at ebay sold.
The tripod, the camera performed well. Fine movements are so difficult but otherwise gings and when the wallet is thin. Break in any case not new and it would triple the cost. Therefore, perhaps really needed watching.
Antwort von Lakaranti:

Good idea. ;-)
Used is certainly much more feasible, especially when the tripod is really solid and technically perfect material is built, then there's no problems.
Antwort von Lakaranti:

Else experiences, ideas, suggestions? :-)
Antwort von Johannes:

The 701er Manfrotto head, just in the legs, I have no idea because of what may or Walimex Velbon DV7000.
Antwort von High_Tension:

Try it out here from
Antwort von Johannes:
Try it out here from
Antwort von Lakaranti:
Thanks for the tips!
The 701er's head of Manfrotto for about 85, - ¬ minimum. Where to get cheap because the legs of walimex ago and is still in the price framework?
Antwort von Lakaranti:
Because nobody has an idea where a good cheap tripod legs herbekommt?
Antwort von krokymovie:
everything is relative, I have four tripods
2 Velbon DV 6000/7000
2 manfotto 525 with 501/503 heads.
if you stativ working well crafted implement can you get with all four very good homogeneous pans out.
I for my part in working with a vx-2000 (execution of consumer pd 170) with a Velbon almost as good as with the manfrottos.
look to: canon hv30 - sony vx 2000
Antwort von Lakaranti:
If this is so. ;)
Bothers me only the following: Could I buy Tripods without heads, that would be like a whole lot cheaper. At least as far as is concerned Velbon, Manfrotto partly synonymous.
Gibts da shops or services?
Antwort von Johannes:
The Velbon is only with the head, I've had mine on Ebay bought new because I have found no shop.
Manfrotto get everything individually zb here:
Antwort von Lakaranti:
* * The grübbel but everything will work closely with a maximum of ¬ 200. :-(
Antwort von Lakaranti:
701HDV Video gibts Eiger by Manfrotto for 81, - ¬
Stay still remaining ¬ 120-130, a bit more synonymous is not bad. Do you have concrete proposals? :)