Frage von wim-roegels:
I just 1:51 of the update on the Verion 2.0 of Premiere Pro, can be the one that works POS1 END and navigation in the timeline anymore?
Earlier because you could always jump to the currently selected clip schoen s.seinen beginning or an end ... no longer works.
Or how do I get this feature now? Is very important for my workflow ...
Antwort von Mr Jo:

Hi wim Roegele,
funzt fine with me ..
Greeting Mr Jo
Antwort von Jörg:

Hi Wim,
within a selected clips you jump in with Picture / ssden beginning and end. Pos 1 end are the functions for the jump sequence to the end / beginning.
How are your experiences with the Matrox? Still longing for the Storm?
Gruß Jörg