Frage von DSLR-Freak:
Maybe I'm a little biased, I own the 60D. I try not to let it affect too much. But:
I must be a halt to the euphoria just a little.
I was looking at Saturn and had my GH2 necessarily exactly the same view up close and take a close look and test coarse:
The body remembers so much s.ein toy that I can think of decent work so hard. Small, lightweight and extremely plastic. High-end video with the thing? Is not it a bit like with a guitar? So cheap has a camera but now do not look real. Shooting fun doing there yet? The DSLR-trend has indeed synonymous the reason that once well-known (the analog Feeling) has brought back to life with top technology. Now threatens to destroy a piece of plastic that feeling too?
The view finder is actually comparatively high resolution. He is and will not, however, he and optical flicker.
Frankly, I'm not sure if this is not just a product is hyped completely pointless. One stumbles, runs after the rest.
The tests, which claim that the camera would be good in the hand, but not too seriously. This is a joke. Please go to the next deal and compares with reasonable equipment. The camera is also much too easy. Shows me a good video filmed from the hand! Instead, I have been of new "Super Tests" and is seen, look how badly Video:
-> Completely blurred, bad colors, bad lighting - is made with just a small compact with the clippers synonymous video. None but there will back down?
Or take this pseudo-review:
How did the creators manage to get so little to produce comparable images? That is especially so little comparable. What should I see? The fact that the 5D II is better?
Even better, this test ...
How was it possible to compare such different apertures with each other (1:40)? Simply meaningless. The one all sharp, the other with little depth of field. I do not want to know how this test is otherwise expired.
I could always do it next. Maybe I should make such a total synonymous times meaningless test online.
Please show me even a reasonable test! I would like to see a test that compares 1:1 with Canon or Nikon, and ideally not on the Vimeo, but with original file. Does it matter?
Where are the key for Europe 25p? The display can not compare with Canon. I know I sound very sobering, but that was my first impression of the 'compact' high flyer ...
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

Our life - just a bubble!
Antwort von meawk:

Yes - it is now but perhaps a little "too bad" done, but with the hype is all right.
Clear that those who are m. E. hastily bought after praising it now has the clover - Pils head speaks volumes. . . - But as you already write, synonymous, I have seen so far, besides the usual suspects-slave promotional videos, such as of P. Bloom, etc., not special. Had they synonymous test for short times and could not really compelling for them - but believe me at first mostly yes None, see 550D - suddenly some of my worst critics have bought a synonymous. . .
Well, I'm already used
And - yes, the parts are synonymous to me always a bit too easily, although I think GH13 and my very GF13 synonymous guess me is the 5D II, but much better in the hand, etc.
You are with your 60D quite good about it and hope for the coming times of MagicLantern Hack, it funzt ever. . .
Antwort von Filmo:

No one is forced to cameras due to some Youtube or Vimeo buy "tests"!
Such people can not be helped anyway.
Just as no one is forced to read your comments ernstzunehmen.Ihr May you not Cam, aha! The famous rice bag to fall somewhere in the east .... will super happy with your equipment.
The 60D it plays loose s.die wall ....
Antwort von meawk:
No one is forced to cameras due to some Youtube or Vimeo buy "tests"!
Such people can not be helped anyway.
Just as no one is forced to read your comments ernstzunehmen.Ihr May you not Cam, aha! The famous rice bag to fall somewhere in the east .... will super happy with your equipment.
The 60D it plays loose s.die wall .... Sorry, but you must always give your two cents synonymous. . .
Stay humble;) - the 60D is synonymous good, but it is with the hack to be even better, looking forward to you should you.
Otherwise - what you wanted now with your post actually express - "filmography"? Do you buy because of the promotional videos, etc., or how should we understand this. . .?
I think the manufacturers for a long time and nothing that is good, as I have to say again and again. In this respect, my videos are on Vimeo for example, been accepted - you can only see what produces the Cam so under "normal" conditions. This is very often quite interesting - I think times. Yes and the testers in any magazines or forums can not synonymous believe "almost" nothing more, are all of the manufacturers more or less dependent.
So - what do you want us to say with your post. . .? "Mustard" would have served synonymous.
Antwort von Filmo:

Such a "bruising" you need not to comment, Mr. mustard!
Antwort von jwd96:
the 60D is synonymous good, but it is with the hack even better, You should look forward to. Which hack? Are there already signs of a MagicLantern Hack?
Would interest me, because I own the 60D synonymous
Antwort von srkn:

Hmm, someone who calls his own a D60 is certainly nothing positive look on GH2, but rather to confirm the negative but he has the best.
So be it, I follow the discussion on the test of GH2 on Slashcam as well as the discussion Canon / Nikon etc..
Here the user with pop lines, resolution, Cropfaktor, esstechnische values in Comparison to the bulb to each other and forget the basics: What is the result of what's on the screen? That's the only thing my client is interested.
He wants a good video and where it is no preference whether the sound was recorded internal or external, the Picture with a Cropfaktor of XY or with 24P or 25P or 50i. If the result fits he is happy.
Whether it was then a small or a shoulder mounted camcorder HF100 or a DSLR it is absolutely no preference. Ebenos what brand behind it.
Therefore: I am not interested in all the, sliced.
I test the camera and look what quality the images (the result) have. 2 models are close to each other, details come into play, but not before. And at the moment is the GH2 in this sector simply the reference, synonymous when it look like a year throughout anderst.
Antwort von gunman:

Here we go again!
Recently, here in the forum someone made the nail on the head as far as GH2. The camera has only one disadvantage: it is not Canon or Nikon on top !!!!!!!
Would this be the case, I'd vowed not know what to green clover THESE Camera of the Canon and Nikon Boys, it is now simply a "Panasonic".
I do not have the camera, but they will now very likely, because after everything I've read so far about this camera, and have seen one, is she (at least in their cash prize) to compete easily in the pocket.
My opinion.
Antwort von tw463:

The essence was already said: only a bubble!
I wish that I breathe the air you do not run out so quickly.
Fortunately, there are several different approaches Manufacturer with, just as there are different users with different needs are.
By personally like the chosen path. Be glad that there are innovative Manufacturer.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Hmm, someone who calls his own a D60 is certainly nothing positive look on GH2, but rather to confirm the negative but he has the best ...... Who hold synonymous extreme boredom.
You have to create with what you have.
This principle generally applies to everything really ...
Mac vs. PC
Canon vs. Nikon
Makita vs. Bosch
Blonde vs. Brunette
Mercedes vs. BMW
Our life - just a bubble! Looks like it!
B. DeKid
Antwort von domain:

No this goes for Nikon and the main reason, because I have many old Lenses with the optimal uncertainty relation to the sensor. It can not be different than that Nikon will blow away all other :-))
Antwort von meawk:
Here we go again!
Recently, here in the forum someone made the nail on the head as far as GH2. The camera has only one disadvantage: it is not Canon or Nikon on top !!!!!!!
Would this be the case, I'd vowed not know what to green clover THESE Camera of the Canon and Nikon Boys, it is now simply a "Panasonic".
If this is not already noticed: I have the Canons (5D II, 550D, which have 7D I resold), the Panas (GH13 and GF13, which had GH2 I briefly for testing...), Was synonymous a Nikon D90 (D300 and D 7000 I have been synonymous for short test) - therefore I am not a fanboy at all for example Canon, but I like the other synonymous - especially the GH13 synonymous and the small GF13. Thus - this shoe and I'm not. Sometimes it seems to me as if I am here one of the few objective user that the cams synonymous ever had in his hand, etc.
The Lobgehudel at present on GH2 is fully covered and therefore must be allowed to say something synonymous with the general "advertising campaign."
The interested user should not only know once synonymous with the advertising spectacle seen opinions, and indeed of true "users" and not just "data sheet readers", etc.
As in all forums - much to write here a lot with that one or the other camera had never been in the hands, so unfortunately this is how things are.
But this forum is a very good forum, since you allow here contrary opinions - if sometimes synonymous fought admirably. Consider this a thank s.die operator, Admin, etc. "Slashcam: the most democratic forum in Europe...."
Antwort von DSLR-Freak:
And at the moment is the GH2 in this sector simply the reference ... At exactly this statement is here. Where can I check? What test pictures to show me that? Well, no preference. You get not always reasonable answers.
Perhaps we should simply produce good videos and not just hot air in a bubble ...
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas! ***
Makes all the pretty pictures of your loved ones - for my sake synonymous with 'nerve GH2! ;-)
Antwort von domain:

The main thing is that there is synonymous conversation and discussions on various videos. Nothing is worse than a dry, technically oriented forum. Furthermore, a childlike enthusiasm already synonymous worth something. People see more women on whether something is fit for purpose, for example, whether the Miele still neatly spun without pumps.
Antwort von srkn:
And at the moment is the GH2 in this sector simply the reference ...
At exactly this statement is here. Where can I check? What test pictures to show me that? Well, no preference. You get not always reasonable answers.
It's simple: CHECK for it myself! For all the videos which you online viewing, usually lack the personal objective Comparison. Therefore, test yourself and then judge.
Antwort von gunman:
Here we go again!
Recently, here in the forum someone made the nail on the head as far as GH2. The camera has only one disadvantage: it is not Canon or Nikon on top !!!!!!!
Would this be the case, I'd vowed not know what to green clover THESE Camera of the Canon and Nikon Boys, it is now simply a "Panasonic".
If this is not already noticed: I have the Canons (5D II, 550D, which have 7D I resold), the Panas (GH13 and GF13, which had GH2 I briefly for testing...), Was synonymous a Nikon D90 (D300 and D 7000 I have been synonymous for short test) - therefore I am not a fanboy at all for example Canon, but I like the other synonymous - especially the GH13 synonymous and the small GF13. Thus - this shoe and I'm not. Sometimes it seems to me as if I am here one of the few objective user that the cams synonymous ever had in his hand, etc.
The Lobgehudel at present on GH2 is fully covered and therefore must be allowed to say something synonymous with the general "advertising campaign."
The interested user should not only know once synonymous with the advertising spectacle seen opinions, and indeed of true "users" and not just "data sheet readers", etc.
As in all forums - much to write here a lot with that one or the other camera had never been in the hands, so unfortunately this is how things are.
But this forum is a very good forum, since you allow here contrary opinions - if sometimes synonymous fought admirably. Consider this a thank s.die operator, Admin, etc. "Slashcam: the most democratic forum in Europe...."
LG Hi,
Well, what you write now but sounds much more conciliatory (it is now synonymous Christmas).
But I can not tell you agree with, if you heranziehtst to Comparison ene chopped GH13! It may be true that the GH1 after the hack is still viiieeel better, but please, who's really ready Sun aufzuspielen a hack? Most users definitely do not! All warranty claims will be lost if something goes wrong. I am not a "coward", but you comparisons in such apples with pears!
A "chopped" VW Golf with 800 hp (yes, there is such a thing) will make it look as a BMW M3 (I could name synonymous many others) old, but those are no comparisons!
The same applies to the size of the cameras: some rave about the good of transportability, the stealth, the other the camera can not be large and heavy enough ...
Why can we not agree that the GH2 "is currently in the price range, given all the advantages and disadvantages of the reference, if not synonymous Canon or Nikon is it?
Antwort von Gabriel_Natas:
Perhaps we should simply produce good videos and not just hot air in a bubble ... Yet it is.
There are arguments here about little things. The audience does not care whether he is real 500 or 800 lines of horizontal resolution looks as long as the content is crap.
And if the content of the film is good, it will still be the resolution also scheißno preference.
With the 550d, 60d, GH1, GH2, even with Nex-VG 10 has one finally affordable camcorder very good alternatives that stand out from the Camcordereinheitsbrei in terms of low light, Picture'unschärfe 'etc.
The differences are in Comparison to the benefits only marginally.
All offer plenty of manual controls, all offer the advantages and disadvantages known.
All are suitable for scenic shooting.
So movies do with it.
I've got the 550D, because it was then (and still is) the cheapest DSLR HD Cam with full manual control and, moreover Anglemitbringt with the kit lens even a good Wide.
The 550d has disadvantages compared to the GH2 or Nex-VG10, that is clear, but they are not serious, we can handle it (I speak of scenic shooting, as P & S cam I would take a real camcorder;)).
And for the 300 ¬ price difference for GH2 or 1300 ¬ price difference for the VG10 you can buy many things that make the picture even better.
What is decisive is what comes out the front, not with what you shoot.
If I want for my film shallow depth of field, so I reach to a DSLR or a very expensive camcorder (Red One, or the like), now I can decide to preferences and budget.
So I've decided for me then eos550d because I for the 300 ¬ price difference to all the competitors simply can not get a lot of accessories and I'm short of money anyway.
Who has more money can get a 60d, GH2 or Nex-VG10 synonymous or be stingy.
But no preference with which cam is rotated, you can do with all great movies, now you have no excuse not to do it.
So stop losfilmen to complain and!
Antwort von pilskopf:

At least the Iso charts are still comparable.
Antwort von DSLR-Freak:
There are arguments here about little things. The audience does not care whether he is real 500 or 800 lines of horizontal resolution looks as long as the content is crap. Simply delicious! ;-)
But no preference with which cam is rotated, you can do with all great movies, now you have no excuse not to do it. That hits the nail on the head.
Merry Christmas! ****
Antwort von slash-tutti:

progress can not be stopped.
I remember when I bought my 2003 350D
and my wish was expressed in forums, why it
no live-view display for this was like the BridgeCam.
All have said then: "How do you want for the
, Rent a DSLR is so named because the mirror ...
... than the D90 came out with the video function thought synonymous
many regarding Auto Focus "a VDSLR is so named
because the mirror ... Auto Focus is not possible! "
Last week I got my 550D to my friend
with given request, he would shoot me again.
Then I checked out the pictures and asked
him, why are so many shots wrong.
He said: "Your bomber is too heavy, it
is not easy to keep him constantly now. "
Things have become so (small), because the majority is
the wishes and the Manufacturer by a high
Paragraph hope.
Somewhere here in the forum I've read that somehow some
Adults with best-equipped sports equipment
arrived not against a 9 year old with simple means.
Clearly annoyed that ... MiniCam one, in terms of video performance
the kilo-heavy powerful luxury 5dII is superior.
It's common that the larger heavier, the better ...
Antwort von hannibalekta:

Basically, such a thread can only but of course someone set and s.Leben be held in, the purchase is frustrated or
scared, whether his investment was wrong if his purchase to be frustrated when he finds that his money. In this case the thread is then opened to the polarization, in which as many people are to be found to make reassuring the anxious-making, perhaps even better product down.
Since it is so ultimately no preference about which camera is it here (it could go just as good for coffee machines), I can only say well done, you have your money incredibly well spent, the perfect camera purchased and all other cameras are totally stupid -
- Except when people make so good movies.
But - and this is the best because you've got no fear and pointless thread has to open - which is anyway still relatively rare.
Antwort von Tinker:
No one is forced to cameras due to some Youtube or Vimeo buy "tests"!
Such people can not be helped anyway.
Just as no one is forced to read your comments ernstzunehmen.Ihr May you not Cam, aha! The famous rice bag to fall somewhere in the east .... will super happy with your equipment.
The 60D it plays loose s.die wall .... Good I do not know the 60D. I am happy with the old 5D, I allow up to 50cm x 70cm print outs of the great lies of her quality. I only know me as AFTER the purchase of a 400D already explained the assistant of a professional, the thing is children's toys, I found it funny not synonymous. Today I know that he was right. Sure it's Christmas and yes it is a hype. There is one industry which thrives. Waiting times until Easter and then "Looking mer mal". I've seen of the way, a friend of another already synonymous Lumix pretty good pictures. All of these things are not so bad. At least, synonymous in the "test" used Zeiss Lenses can look deep. you would have to take the standard part of synonymous Canon can. So bad is the 1.4 now not synonymous. Since the Lumix, at least as far as I advanced, with the Zeiss are supplied as standard to ensure that the camera made the price / performance ratio advantage. As the additional tUsing mentioned for the Zeiss on Canon Page None.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
.... I only know me as AFTER the purchase of a 400D already explained the assistant of a professional, the thing is children's toys, I found it funny not synonymous. Today I know that he was right. .... Aha times Explain why?
I've had several pictures that were taken with this sale.
You can not keep up with but the 1ern but images can do well with her.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Mink:
Hmm, someone who calls his own a D60 is certainly nothing positive look on GH2, but rather to confirm the negative but he has the best. 60D and bullshit, always try to stay pretty objective (;)) ... always look for what s.besten for the task is far from Quark and whoever else will never get the point!
I'm getting excited so ne GH2 to time in the fingers.
Which is synonymous already have their quirks but that each unit .... except Apple computers;)
Films (synonymous younger) have already been rotated with the wildest cameras and photos with the NEM disposable camera shot were already sold! These are extreme but the essence is clear.
Antwort von Predator:

I do not check ...
- The GH2 solves much higher than the 60D (Sorry, but the 60D produces no HD for me)
- The GH2 has much less moire and Alias | Wavefront Mayaing
- The GH2 has an auto focus and even more important. A shutter speed can be while shutter and ISO to manual. sauwichtig For me the run around.
The 60D is definitely better handling, but the faded picture and the nasty edge flares enough for me that I use as a photo camera Canon nurnoch
I compare the time for the holidays Resolutionder cameras. Out in the wild and not through charts.
Antwort von tw463:

I'm going reiziehen a GH2. But only if this forum has the next best camera is panned. So I think that the purchase prices low and let others test for me.
Antwort von Tinker:

Aha times Explain why?
I've had several pictures that were taken with this sale.
You can not keep up with but the 1ern but images can do well with her.
B. DeKid It's simple: if the specification you like life in pictures, etc. and look at the material will come fairly quickly to the same point you in the garage: Hazet and steel will is not Kaufhof and unknown origin. Sounds crass and is crass. That starts with eg dirt, rain water etc s.and goes with other things next. When the camera (and synonymous with the lenses) as metal is used. In the other plastic. And in the parts that are engaged. For the very sleepy. The wear is so great that the camera that made for Christmas "Top Photos", Easter or 5000 income is flat. The Student workers knew this because cleaning and towing was his job (voluntary - as main occupation has already done something else). I had it for a G2 and G5 do not know. Meanwhile, it looks different. Meanwhile I set for myself but the cost / benefit ratio in the foreground and the money put in one of my better bikes, the house or a good tool. The wall is, unfortunately, I assume so. The images themselves have made their own mats and frames. I have already issued us synonymous with images on request. But it must not be. The important thing is I enjoy it. This does not mean that I am not open to criticism. I borrowed last year with us once synonymous ne Hasselblad as a set to play with. Very interesting but not my thing. On the subject of sale: I do not have necessary. I know some who take jobs as extra income. If I have the time compared to the money see, I deserve it rather differently. I am informed, to serve the most "photographers" only, then any time to get into the conversation. One of these steps: the press card. Actually you had your question but answered it himself.
You can not keep up with but the 1ern but images can do well with her.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Thanks you for your feedback - as I said I was basically only interested how you came to the statement.
I was very happy with the 400D and now they have given to my Dad on which he once synonymous ne good camera (I mean at that time I've even got his Minolta synonymous, because I wanted to show his gratitude times)
I like the general classes of hundreds of Canon, which are quite good and not cost the earth, they are easy and you can (Battery Grip assumed) so completely synonymous with them work well.
Also, they sometimes borrow NEM Beginners and can then use it to play einwenig.
They are not after 5000 image plate clean and yes they can be synonymous as the others ;-) but understand your objection.
The biggest shortcoming in my view, of course, they are not outdoor capable.
B. DeKid
Antwort von deti:
Which hack? Are there already signs of a MagicLantern Hack?
Would interest me, because I own the 60D synonymous Yes, we have the symbol table. The camera boots currently have of the map. The port of the ML code should work hopefully in the coming days.
Antwort von pilskopf:

Fred false guys. Click here for the bubble, not the number zero. : D
Antwort von handiro:
Perhaps we should simply produce good videos and not just hot air in a bubble ...
Yet it is.
There are arguments here about little things. The audience does not care whether he is real 500 or 800 lines of horizontal resolution looks as long as the content is crap.
And if the content of the film is good, it will still be the resolution also scheißno preference.
So stop losfilmen to complain and! for Gibts ne 1 +! and all weihn8en pixelpeepers happy.