Frage von mammut:
Apparently, the GH2
03.11. Available in Switzerland from. In Germany should be synonymous:
https: / / Video / Camera-Digital/Panasonic/Panasonic-DMC-GH2KEG-K/389013.html
Antwort von kgerster:

And 100 - EUR cheaper than in Germany, it is still synonymous. If only the inch would not be :-)
It is probably to be expected that the GH2 will be available very difficult. Computer Universe has Vorbestellmöglichkeit been removed. I guess every dealer will initially get only a small number of items.
Antwort von Kevinovicz:

Old Swiss, because for what the shipping costs??
Antwort von pilskopf:

I whine a round if I did not get the GH2 this year. I find no dealers where I can pre-order, I could puke.
Antwort von rush:

found as synonymous with
In the latter, with preorder advance. Delivery date: November