Frage von trinchen:
Hello first s.Alle
Now have some time to read and tries to find the right.
The Panasonic GS 330 find him quite well and think he is sufficient for our needs. We want him to leave and if I have time and want a little order to try and edit movies s.PC.
Moreover, it is a nice price range.
But ... Some say "do not take it with tape, you go back a step instead of before, because it is now a must with HDD, with HD, if possible, etc. ...
But we still have a TV set and stinknormalen not synonymous Blu Ray burner and player. which should bring me? To get the full effect would have to use so I like the rest to buy.
Unfortunately I do not know if I have my questions right now formulate?
Langt this to us? Are we now outmoded? If there were something similar with HDD?
Should I prefer to trust my gut feeling tells me that keeping the Panasonic? Sorry I know, as I said hard to ask!
Thank you in advance.
Antwort von tillbaer:

Hi Trinchen,
So first of all, I think the 330er synonymous for good. But if I live in this price class would I prefer a model that is on SD card recording. I would simply unsatisfactory feeling of times when a bump abbekommt that the hard drive could suffer.
If you want to cut it first time no preference as to whether tape, HDD or SD Card. If you, however, but a high-definition model, then you should take the tape, because AVCHD (high definition on card or hard drive) requires a very fast calculator with good graphics card!
Just as you have described, but rather you want a simple solution. Therefore prefer to stay at the default resolution. Whether tape, card or HDD, you can decide for themselves.
Pro tape: cheap archive media
Per Card: Robust and fast in the calculator to transfer
Pro HDD: viiiel recording time without change of medium.
Liebe Grüße - Til.
Antwort von thos-berlin:

This is rather a question of faith. There are people who basically the latest model of a car purchase (new technology, new features) and people who prefer one of the last copies of the predecessor series to buy (ausgreifte technology, experience available).
I think that you can take the Camera. If you're short on time does not predict plan, your remaining equipment kostpielig adapt, why a HD. The consequences are still immense.
Sure, you could possibly by the pictures the camera to normal Resolutionherunterkonvertieren and leave the material only once in enfacher resolution (SD) and could later edit the recordings once again in HD editing. But who does really?
I handle with bands around and had thus been no nenneswerten losses. The tape recording is a proven medium and last but not least synonymous relatively inexpensive. Due to declining prices is synonymous but the media "hard drive" interesting.
My PC has been almost 6 years for construction, in the years while expanding, but not completely replaced. An SD interface makes this device are still in sufficient Art For HD you need outperform even top-to-date PCs.
I believe you with this camera (GS330) are better advised, as with a cheap HD.
Antwort von trinchen:

So many Thanks to you both. That was quick and precise.
Has helped me a lot.
Will the panasonic stay.
Many greetings trinchen