Frage von Chrischan:
I want to bring me a new cam because my old NV Since 1 has unfortunately given up the ghost and ... no longer function properly .....
Since I am a student and therefore a very limited budget was available ( ¬ 500 bit), I have umgekuckt me a little bit and I encountered while on the panasonic Gs 11th
someone has experience with this cam? I have one of blauchstich read in the photographs ....
Otherwise, the tests were in fact turned out not bad .....
Can someone help me please? I think I simply synonymous another Nv Da 1 fetch on Ebay would be even cheaper, and I was very happy with the NV eigtl since 1st Can someone give me an assessment of how much better the GS11's?
Am grateful for all the tips!
that Cam does not have a Dv in me is aware, however, synonymous not so important, because I edit my videos s.Pc and then burn to DVD .....
Many many thanks, mfg, Christian!
Antwort von molch:

the GS11, I had been synonymous, the cam is really good for the price, which with the Blue tint I can not understand.
In any instance, the material of the cam very sharp and colorful, that is really optimal for the price, only at low illumination, it is not so good.
should still be, in any case better than the da1.
Antwort von Markus:

Hi All,
The information probably came with the blue cast from that thread:
Antwort von MiXMaster:

no, where else came here, I think I've googled on Ebay and comparison with nem price, which always synonymous here are a few reviews on the products has shown that a fairly nen had all the shots blaustich ... but good deal. hats the only verplant with the White balance .....
The other test is not synonymous fell out badly, so I got me wondering ......
Antwort von Nathanjo:

I have the Cam is now one years and am actually very happy. The quality is initially a bit disappointed but I expected especially in lowlight area, but when the price is almost synonymous differently. If the correct lighting (sunlight) is the quality but very good, and the lowlight quality synonymous enough still, if one is not too high expectations.
As the camera is really rausreißt for the price of the microphone connector and the manulle control over White Balance, Focus (but inconvenient to use), Shutter and Aperture, which are all easy to reach (with menu) but with very short keys combos. As far as I is unique in the overview on the Preissegmant.