Frage von velvetchain:
Hello people.
Should I have getsellt the topic in the wrong forum apologies, please, I s.end with the nerves.
I've recently bought a Panasonic GS 75. After the first of its kind test recordings I've connected the camera s.den Television ... Result: mad: Sure, well, sharp, a dream.
Then I want to transfer the data to the computer. (I use hierführ the IEEE 1394 interface and Studio 9 +10 or Premiere pro. Expired) recording without problems, only the picture is terrible, totally vague, simply ugly. I recorded with full DV quality (avi format), so no compression. Why is that? What can I do, please help me, I slowly got no joy s.meinem device.
Lg thank Velvetz!
Antwort von Markus:

You judge the picture, perhaps on your computer monitor? Then it is clear why the shots do not look so great. Modify the AVI files and play them from behind on MiniDV tape or burn a
DVD video. On Television then everything looks normal again. ;-)
More Info:
difference between PC and TV monitor "
FireWire FAQ">7th As the images come from the tape on the calculator?
Antwort von Velvetchain:

I Hhab already, the picture is synonymous nor ugly, if I burn the DVD! That with the monitor is clear to me iimer but it still looks modest when I burnt the AVi file on CD or have a finished DVD! Help! Did I nen the wrong codec or wrong with the camera what is not?? Please help me!
Lg Velvet
Antwort von Fan29:

you've really taken up in full quality? AVI does not mean that is "full quality". It could be that is that you eg have the DivX codec to use.
Look for how long your video is gecaptures and how it is great. Thus one can prove whether it really is full DV quality, or not!
Antwort von Markus:

That was the reason why I am the link
FireWire FAQ">"7 How are the photographs of the tape on the calculator?"
FireWire FAQ">
Setting: DV-AVI, 720 × 576 pixels, 25 fps, PAL, interlaced. You will need approximately 13 GB of space per hour videotape. Depending on the software the setting synonymous "DV-PAL" or "Microsoft DV (PAL) can be called."
Antwort von pennor:

So now've checked: Duration: 1 min 47 sec, size 389 MB, 720x576
Codec: DV video decoder; Program: Studi 10 plus.