Frage von afcleader:
Hello dear forum community
'm a new user and find this page the title of "valuable" just deserts. Am really excited of Slashcam. Especially of
the camcorder test.
Now to my concern:
Want to buy as soon as possible a full-HD camcorder.
I am a huge fan of Panasonic and me is the HDC-SD909
cut immediately into the eye.
Manual focus and a variety of expansion options, etc. Make the summer
a large U.S. tour and would like to return with great video recordings which I would then cut s.MAC.
Now my question:
1) Has anyone experience with the SD909 (Is still quite virginal good piece) and can give me some feedback?
Does this "fan problem" about the debate as often as with its predecessors has been synonymous with this model? 3D Shooting is not an issue for me incidentally.
2) What data would you recommend for me to tank my AVCHD clips WHILE back to the trip as easily? I just can not even buy 5 memory cards with 32 GB (a little expensive ...) Maybe someone has some product for me to google I can.
Thank you in advance for your answers!
Antwort von Burner87:

The 909 is indeed the almost 707 of the last generation. You can choose up to receive new display and touch operation so the "facts" of the 707th
Yes, the fan can be heard. see test Slashcam.
I would wait for the new models of the other Manufacturer that bring new features with.
I am no friend of data and the tanks for several reasons.
- No control of the shooting (only in the camera itself)
- No backup possible
- Relatively expensive
Therefore, I use my netbook and go 1-2 external hard disks.
When it comes to every gram, a netbook is of course great, but for me it was always the best solution.
Also: You can surf with a Netbook synonymous times in the I-net, in USA you can often find free wireless network of hotels and even cities.
Antwort von afcleader:

and thank you first for your quick response to my post!
Now I have time all of Testergenisse Slashcam listed next to each other and lo and behold:
The SD909 has received 412 points and is therefore with your siblings in the TM900 and the H900 is the best small camcorder. Immediately afterwards, the big shoulder Professional s.5000 ¬ come to 10000 ..
What should I therefore wait? You said something of the new features are coming soon.
The tank with the data I have to still synonymous überlgen. Notebook I would actually take none in the U.S. ... even if you're not so enthusiastic about it, you know produce some good tanks Manufacturer?
Thank you and LG.