Frage von ereaserhead:
Hi folks!
Bin grad am seriously consider which of these two pieces of jewelry I should be growth.
Primary will be independent films and music videos (presumably with an adapter RedRock) rotated. Although it is synonymous in the event area needed, but now does tend to matter less.
So I would you really damn grateful if you could help me. I've been for weeks s.hin and her superior (and despair).
Best regards and thanks in advance,
Antwort von Jürgen F.:

Hi Flo,
As yet, there's no doubt / thought:
The HVX200!
Grüße Jürgen F
Antwort von ereaserhead:

I thought I actually already synonymous.
But (apart from the storage media (Archive!)) Otherwise synonymous belongs.
Could you me maybe one or the other argument that my last doubt hinwegfegt?
Thank you, Flo
Antwort von ereaserhead:

Oh yes.
This is the answer then maybe really pays off ...
What exactly is the difference between E HVX200 and HVX202EN?
Lg, Flo
Antwort von Bernd E.:
What exactly is the difference between E HVX200 and HVX202EN? The 202 is the PAL version for the Asian / Australian market. Whether and to what extent they are technically of the 200 is different, I can off the cuff but not say that.
Überleg but before you purchase - particularly in view of your event inserts - very carefully whether you are with the P2 system can live! The camera itself is without a doubt, fantastic, but the maps and the associated, often making them cumbersome workflow unfortunately unsuitable for many operations.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Markus:

The HVX200 is okay
(I had synonymous times in the shortlist drawn), but without a hard drive docking, I would not take.
Antwort von elek:

Is it clear that without Fire doors (but is synonymous with the old iPods still do have firewire) running nix.
Who already has experience with this, when looking at mini-DV record? So in comparison to the Panasonic DVX100?
Lg, Flo
Antwort von Jürgen F.:

Hi Flo,
..."- E: Layout for the European market, PAL
-EN: Layout for the Asian market, PAL
-P (mostly omitted): Version for the North American market, NTSC
... Incidentally quickly on google found this forum.
I would like to no sales calls.
If you have the relevant pages of the suppliers are studying, you will easily see the difference.
The Panasonic P2 has clear advantages:
Variable frame rate, frame, true 25p (and no 25sf)
Recording Formats: DVC25/DVCPro50 and DVCProHD and to MiniDV tape. What is the best HDTV in the segment for this price at the moment is offered.
currently only 8GB cards (s.May 2007 then 16GB cards from November 32GB cards.)
No changing optics. (Does me until now is not disturbed).
Relatively bulky than mere "hand camera".
Ps The HVX200 is until 31.3.07 in an action with 2 x 8GB cards at the dealers for 5900 .- ¬ + VAT offered.
Grüße Jürgen F
Antwort von ereaserhead:

Check it out at
Is pretty decently.
Panasonic AG-HVX200E EUR 3,550.00 + VAT.
I suspect halt without P2 cards (but they are so and so rather unnecessarily)
Lg, Flo
Antwort von Markus:
Recording Formats: DVC25/DVCPro50 and DVCProHD and to MiniDV tape. On MiniDV is only used in SD-quality recorded. If you want to record high-resolution, one must necessarily P2 or an external hard drive to use.
In repeated reading, but I think that you as my test?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
AG-HVX200E EUR 3,550.00 + VAT. It does not forget that the shipping alone with about 170 euros and account for the next fiscal synonymous inch of staying the hand!
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von elek:
Just look at the pdf "Illegal imports of non-EU products' use.
Antwort von elek:

S.deiner I would prefer to place the A1, but as for you after the first response the matter had already eaten, I do not think the question you ever actually searched.
Antwort von ereaserhead:

No, it is not, otherwise it would not in the thread!
I'm open to everything and for any advice and discussion thankful!
Lg, Flo
Antwort von elek:

Well then I would place s.deiner the Canon XH A1 take. The higher the resolution, more controls and by these synonymous has a very nice picture.
In combination with the Canon Console software of a laptop and you have a hard disk recorder and all the settings s.Laptop also so that you can better assess Picture synonymous.
Synonymous But what is very important when you look at the A1, the Console software and a laptop you buy is still cheaper off than with the HVX + Fire doors, especially since I have heard that the Gates Fire solution will be very vulnerable.
Antwort von PowerMac:

The Picture of HVX is definitely prettier. Resolutionist not everything. S.der And Panasonic, you can adjust synonymous damn much.
Antwort von Jürgen F.:

Hi Flo,
maybe you should see in such an investment (Canon Pana ¬ 3.500 .- ¬ 6,000 .-), a professional dealer / vendor attention, where you both models synonymous times "hands on" Try it.
Lass please with foreign ISPs. Both models run in the quasi yes "Broadcast segment" (in any event, the HVX200) and in warranty cases show you both Manufacturer simply the difference of "non-EU products" on.
Maybe even a question s.Dich.
Which system do you want because "edit".
Some NLE editing systems do not like "MXF-Files" (Panasonic) and no other native HDV signals.
Are you prepared? Or you need to have a new editing system to invest?
Viele Grüße Jürgen F
Antwort von elek:

Lass please with foreign ISPs. Both models run in the quasi yes "Broadcast segment" (in any event, the HVX200) and in warranty cases show you both Manufacturer simply the difference of "non-EU products" on.
False, global media, the International Mack Warrenty s.and so then clearly it is on the secure page.
Antwort von elek:
The Picture of HVX is definitely prettier. I do not think so.
Antwort von PowerMac:

I do not believe s.Gott.
Antwort von Jürgen F.:

Hello Guest, Hi Flo,
"False, global media, the International Mack Warrenty s.and so you will clearly be on the safe Page."
Global Media says:
"... After the equipment is repaired, Mack either pays the repair center directly, or the owner pays the repair, sends a copy of the invoice to Mack, and Mack refunds the owner."
Da würd ich aber mal predict when or in Willich CANON PANA in Wiesbaden inquire how such a Rep / Warranty handle cases. But there is nothing with "back in 5 working days - otherwise replacement camera.
Who now has the most beautiful picture in the whole country?
As I said: go to the dealer, let both s.einen cameras calibrated HD monitor (eg, Panasonic BT-LH2600) join us and report it.
Viele Grüße Jürgen F
Antwort von elek:

Exactly, try both cameras and decide then what has the better picture.
Antwort von r.p. television:

So, now of a backup camera via external hard HVX200 get to edit files. And in DVC PRO HD.
The shots were off the cuff and very nice voices. Especially what the color and the contrast of the course were concerned.
If we as a werkseingestellte A1 dagegenschneidet, this effect is very sharp, but very pale and it is slightly overexposed.
However, if you are using custom presets A1 nachjustiert to get color and contrast the course of the HVX200 and a sharper picture.
It remains only the question whether one with the compression of HDV is clear.
In a music video with quick cuts and plenty of exercise can be a KO criterion.
If there is finally a sensible and trouble-free solution for the disk HVX200 should (I've already returned, because of total scrap), the HVX200 would be probably the better choice.
For a video with little movement on the other hand, I would choose the A1 because it with the crisp Picture more sharpness in the Reserves has.
Antwort von elek:

Pana clearly
The Pana is not twice but x-times as much value.
A1 would be a car that would have a worldwide recall action will be completed ...
I say `just back s.den start.
no wish to deny that Canon makes great cameras.
Antwort von consulting:
Pana clearly
The Pana is not twice but x-times as much value.
A1 would be a car that would have a worldwide recall action will be completed ...
I say `just back s.den start.
no wish to deny that Canon makes great cameras. No wow das is ja mal ne profound statement, as you will come to such a nonsense?
Antwort von consulting:
Pana clearly
The Pana is not twice but x-times as much value.
A1 would be a car that would have a worldwide recall action will be completed ...
I say `just back s.den start.
no wish to deny that Canon makes great cameras.
No wow das is ja mal ne profound statement, as you will come to such a nonsense? Well, so he is not wrong.
Perhaps the A1 is only with you on the shelf, or are under 2 weeks until the 1st third of the operation menus arrived ;-)) attentive professionals have noticed that the A1 has a firmware bug. When objective Comparison gleichteuren to or even cheaper Sony models, the A1 is less good material, combined with much higher expenses.
lg Thomas
Antwort von consulting:

It remains only the question whether one with the compression of HDV is clear.
In a music video with quick cuts and plenty of exercise can be a KO criterion.
If there is finally a sensible and trouble-free solution for the disk HVX200 should (I've already returned, because of total scrap), the HVX200 would be probably the better choice.
For a video with little movement on the other hand, I would choose the A1 because it with the crisp Picture more sharpness in the Reserves has. HDV packs no quick movements?
What did the Pana memory problems (dropouts or loss of material)? Also s.Firestore and / or P2?
The next question above: I edit with Avid.
Can only VHX MXF? I thought about fire doors, you can format it to save many?
For Canon: what is a firmware bug?
And the adapter 35: Yeah, because no experience and no possibility of him with two cameras to be tested. Does it make any difference at all on what it is (except of course color ,.... what is otherwise only to the camera arrives). Is any better?
Thank u Lg, Flo
Antwort von consulting:

Maybe someone knows a good dealer in Vienna u surroundings?
Lg, Flo
Antwort von paulpope:

[quote = "Anonymous"]
For Canon: what is a firmware bug?
Thank u Lg, Flo Will this not a brand war, it was always Canonfan. Sonywar and is arrogant of me already "support" her very unsymphatisch, but I must accept that Canon recently some Stückerln has done and currently with the A1, incidentally synonymous in the photo area, keyword coloring.
lg t
Antwort von paulpope:

The next question above: I edit with Avid.
Can only VHX MXF? I thought about fire doors, you can format it to save many?
Thank u Lg, Flo If you work with Avid, you should see you before the purchase of the HVX to be aware that you currently interesting Matarial the European model of the Cam (ie 720 50p) can not handle. A look at Avid's forum reveals that many are waiting (this is not just a problem in Dt.), But Avid is a statement as to when the last because this option in due course, still guilty. Supposedly they are working out well (which was already over a year to read), but there is no official date yet, just rumors.
Possibly. brings the 5.7 'version of it, probably later this month will be published, remedial, but that remains to be seen synonymous.
Otherwise the U.S. would only model (since there would be no problems in the POST), although 60 Hz models in a 50 Hz environment synonymous again not recommended.
I think just the variable frame rates are the decisive criterion for the HVX200 (for me at least, it is so), but before there is no way that is synonymous productive use (I cut and synonymous with Avid editing system would in no case change - with Final Cut Pro, there would be a workaround for the problem), I see no point to this camera to purchase. But perhaps synonymous to the fact that I still hope a successor model in which synonymous then 24p in the European model is constructed, but I will probably wishful thinking (although really a HVX200a times could be slow).
MXF to the problem:
The MXF format is precisely the advantage of the cam in conjunction with Avid: Avid MXF processed so native, while others cut solutions (among other things synonymous Final Cut Pro), which only needs to be changed (one more step). Why do you want a different format?
Antwort von r.p. television:

It remains only the question whether one with the compression of HDV is clear.
In a music video with quick cuts and plenty of exercise can be a KO criterion.
If there is finally a sensible and trouble-free solution for the disk HVX200 should (I've already returned, because of total scrap), the HVX200 would be probably the better choice.
For a video with little movement on the other hand, I would choose the A1 because it with the crisp Picture more sharpness in the Reserves has.
HDV packs no quick movements?
What did the Pana memory problems (dropouts or loss of material)? Also s.Firestore and / or P2?
The next question above: I edit with Avid.
Can only VHX MXF? I thought about fire doors, you can format it to save many?
For Canon: what is a firmware bug?
And the adapter 35: Yeah, because no experience and no possibility of him with two cameras to be tested. Does it make any difference at all on what it is (except of course color ,.... what is otherwise only to the camera arrives). Is any better?
Thank u Lg, Flo For Fire Doors:
I've posted here several times already. It should be mentioned, however, that the version of the HVX200 for a different model (the FS100), or specifically synonymous DVC PRO HD files can hold. Whether this model or other synonymous newer still these errors I can not say. I myself have no good impression of Fire Tore receive.
Since I do not want to re-write again do I copy my letter s.COMO (the German distributor for Fire Doors):
In the advertising of the manufacturer or
the German sales Como was advertised that one with the fire doors at the same time, tape and hard drive as a recording medium can use it with the fire doors, but reliable records. Therefore, it could be on the tape recording refrain entirely synonymous.
First let me say that I am strangely with HDV dropouts was much less than even DV CAM (Although larger gauge) or DV - no preference whether cheap or expensive tapes of Panasonic or Sony. Only as a reference point: Approximately every four hours until it comes times to a dropout. I find this remarkable and so you can absolutely live. No tape media can reach a better reliability.
Second, my experience with the Fire misserabel gates so that I returned it immediately did.
Reason or
1. As a backpack for use directly in the recording, he was very cumbersome to use and the battery power was synonymous with 90 minutes is not enough. Purchased and a Battery would not the solution, because once the battery installed, he can not solve. Como Answer: Yes, that's a bit strict. Answer outlet: Better do not try, because the last device is damaged. With this knowledge in the background, it was possible to me with gentle Try not to solve the Battery.
2. The Gates Fire sparked absolutely unreliable from the recording. You should always check the display, whether the recording is running or not, which is of the actual tasks of a rather distracted cameraman (motifs, sharpness, exposure, etc.) Why was I could not fathom. Time ran the recording (coupled with the REC/PAUSE- button s.Camcorders) - but about every 10th
times without any warning not.
3. The Gates Fire s.Beginn the clip caused serious disturbances or dropouts (red Picture 5 frames long). And at approximately every 15th
Clip synonymous emerged in the middle of the clip (even after several minutes) a significant drop of several frames of up to half a second. And even worse, then ran the sound delay next. Imagine the increased effort in post-production!
Also started the clips on the hard drive about 1 second later than on the tape. Justification in the sale: If you combined tape / disk recording setting, the preferred pathway to the camcorder tape. Technically, it is the Firewire output deshal
Antwort von r.p. television:

Oh yes:
The problem with the firmware on the A1 but I would be very interested synonymous. To what kind of fault is that?
Had the camera just for testing and because I am in a short time, nothing negative in this direction have noticed ....
LG Mike
Antwort von alibaba:

Sounds so everything is not very sexy to.
Can maybe 720 50p mode to premiere edit.
Or what do you think of as an alternative to the SonyZ1?
Or do you have other suggestions?
Lg, Flo
Antwort von PowerMac:

Premiere can not DVCProHD. Point. Only with expensive extensions and still does not natively. Ergo Z1 buy or their successors, because halfway HDV in Premiere is running smoothly.