Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Panasonic HVX200 of rob - 19 Apr 2007 17:11:00 > With the Panasonic HVX200 has two remarkable innovations. First, the current compact DVCProHD-enabled hand-camera and the other, the entry into a new recording technology: Flash-based P2 cards. In the following we want this camera a bit much closer look at them and their performance on tap.
Antwort von Boessu:

Nice Report.
What I do not understand is the supposed "disadvantage" with regard to archiving. Meanwhile, there are external hard disks with half a terabyte for less than 150 euros (about 30 cents / GB). This is even compared with a tape still a pretty good price, if not for the archiving tape like the best buy (a 60 min DV tape has about 13 GByte). This means that on such a hard drive can be about 38 hours bring. Whoever it may be quite sure purchases two hard disks and makes the backup twice. The failure of a security solution designed twice already approached near s.professionelle claims. Quite aside from the archiving takes synonymous itself a fraction of the time needed for the tape or DVD would require.
So let's face it: that is really no alternative?
I think the days of the strip are counted. The alternative is not the mini-DVD, but the memory chip. This has emerged. We already have SD cards with 8 GB and Compact Flash with 16 GByte synonymous are already there. This is synonymous hochkomprimierende codecs such as MPEG 4 for memory chips is no longer mandatory. With brands such as Sony, JVC and Panasonic of the Tchibo MPEG4 cameras need to differentiate, say that there will be times when the more expensive cameras tend to place more suitable cutting codec type. The first consumer camera synonymous times more codecs can be synonymous is not such a perverse idea.
Who knows, maybe soon, there is a DV-codec Revival.
The advantages of such a solution outweigh almost every disadvantage. The solution regarding consumables under the dash to be more expensive than a tape solution, I am really not convinced.
Antwort von Valentino:

At last the test of the HVX200 as long as you have announced yet.
When the camera towards the V1 is somewhat blurred, the HVX200 but against XL-H1 yes old, but the MPEG2 codec for the Canon cameras from Sony Another tick better be.
What surprised me the HVX200 will be less noise, so I have the camera even a whole day testing and may have to the XH-A1 notes have to imagine being in the dark area reserved Tageslichszenen of the HVX200 clearly more roars.
Quite apart from the camera in Lowlight or light amplification bottom drawer.
Another question s.Euch, the HVX200 on MiniDV tapes really DVCPRO 50 recording? I could ausgeliehnen with the HVX does not record on MiniDV because otherwise the camera would get Trum Hours ;-)
DVCPRO 50 So then it would mean 30 minutes per tape and 4:2:2 Farbsampling.
Please synonymous trying times of the clips the camera via USB or Firewire to a PC and laptop to transfer, so for me has lasted a half Ewikeit. There was then s.Ende the "faster than realtime" effect almost gone again.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
can the HVX200 on MiniDV tapes really DVCPRO 50 recording? That would be me. After all, what I know about the HVX200 (Panasonic Broadcast are both on the homepage as synonymous in the camera folder as synonymous with demonstrations of the identical information), the camera draws exclusively on the DV tape format. Only in P2 there is a choice between DV, DVCPRO, DVCPRO50 and DVC PRO HD.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von rob:

Thanks for your feedback.
Please enter the image tests (as mentioned in the text) initially regarded as a preliminary result. There are only the first experience of outdoor shooting. Only the test values from the laboratory will be final clarity in sharpness, Lowlight and corresponding noise behavior. Once the values are available, they will be entered into the database and the text is possibly synonymous updated accordingly.
I am naturally very curious about how our laboratory values for this shoot-out behavior, which also test charts produced:
DVC Pro 50, the HVX200 to P2 - not on the DV tape.
Best Regards
Antwort von jonas_kl:

The Camera is just great. Sorry!
Antwort von jonas_kl:

the comparative test of the charts of the cameras
z1/h1/h200 in texas shootout
with the test charts of v1 (FX7)
Of adam wilt (bottom CDM normal matrix color chart.)
one sees the v1 an equally sharp picture
such as h1, but with less farbsaum much sharper and is
than the z1 and HVX200!
gruß cj
Antwort von rob:

Hello CJ,
yes, this would roughly synonymous the preliminary experience of us are - but with the difference that chromatic aberration of the HVX200 will be better controlled - but this may be synonymous s.Tageslicht versus artificial lie.
And again to the spoilsport for all pixel counter "to play: Good movies are not of the cams, but of the people who work with them, done. Was already very often said - is no less true and should not therefore be repeated infinitely often.
Personally I find the top class of the HDV cams so close together in terms of image quality that real selection criteria clearly Handling, Post-Pro workflow, stability, etc. are s.wenigsten and whether Cam 2% more or less sharp features. And these are much more important criteria of nunmal situation situation, a team of team of Project to Project diverse ... Appropriate technology-blow tests the differences in proportions that are not in proportion to the true value of a cam is - the problem is: there is no other objective testing. The best test lab is still a cameraman / woman with a lot of experience. ;-)
Best Regards
Antwort von fritzele:

how true!
just the hype around the canon s.zeigt this quite clearly.
although they (probably rightly) is an absolute test winner
I wonder how it looks in everyday life from spinning when you
on the small lcd no longer recognizes and
to the automatic needs and whether the 5% beneficial bild
towards my FX7 (with good lcd) are still there?
gruß cj
Antwort von Screws:

Hi ...
So I did my first vorkurzem final film with the HVX rotated ... and am eigendlich full peace with the material ... well we had a MINI35 adapter thing, but all in all, the lady was good to us. We had 4 p2 cards we have in rotation on a notebook always had emptied ...
I would do so again!
Antwort von fritzele:

Nice article - perhaps you should have a few details to process the materials in due course, because there's always lots of questions (synonymous in this forum), because not all editing software synonymous with the material can handle (just 720p50p is often a problem).
But much more interesting than the test itself, I was almost passing remark to your HVX210 (so they will be so hot). Therefore, a question about times s.die Editors: Panasonic has really confirmed, or are generally here to rumors, because the camera has been on the market and is really time for a revision would be due?
I ask this because of the Jan DVX Forum (Panasonic employees) on a revision only as a response was that this year is definitely not a planned revision of the HVX200 and it was synonymous otherwise no info on the web to find a HVX210 ( assumptions except that a successor could be so hot). If you but Panasonic has confirmed the times would be an interesting novelty.
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) (Panasonic employees) (...) Jan is female;)
Antwort von fritzele:

Ok - then Mitarbeiterin :-)
Antwort von duplik:

I will today for the first time the hvx hold in the hand, has been explained to me that I think the p2 cards must be empty, but it is synonymous software on the laptop is required, you can find me, there are perhaps more help?
Thank you very much
Antwort von Valentino:
I will today for the first time the hvx hold in the hand, has been explained to me that I think the p2 cards must be empty, but it is synonymous software on the laptop is required, you can find me, there are perhaps more help?
Thank you very much
duplik This can be complicated, have become a whole evening to get until I s.die data from the P2 cards I have. As long as you have the CD in the Orignaverpackung you should not be a problem. When landlords simply a copy of the orignal CD can make.
The whole thing is just s.Windows Calculator a problem with the Mac via firewire and then the camera is recognized as an external drive.
It is important, only the Mac via firewire and Windows via USB 2.0 only works.
Antwort von Shao-Domi:
I will today for the first time the hvx hold in the hand, has been explained to me that I think the p2 cards must be empty, but it is synonymous software on the laptop is required, you can find me, there are perhaps more help?
Thank you very much
duplik The P2 cards you can put in the camera to format (if you do with empty), is faster than s.Calculator. However, it is safer for the workflow data s.Laptop to delete (after previous backup ;-)), so the cameraman can then rest assured that the data already have been copied if the cards are blank.
In order to install the drivers you need to simply insert the card into the slot and the P2 Drivers CD drüber run. Not to bring you the Schleppi with the lender and the install dir is fast, it's a matter of 2 minutes.
Antwort von Valentino:

So have the software, the
Antwort von schrenkc:

hello, I had a few times since general questions:
Shooting the HVX200:
VCPRO HD on mobile hard drive or P2 cards ---?
DVCPRO50 mobile hard drive or P2 cards ---?
DVCPRO on MiniDV tape, portable hard drive or P2 card ---?
SD on MiniDV tape, portable hard drive or P2 card ---?
DV to MiniDV tape, portable hard drive or P2 cards --- 720x576
What Resolution Do another format?
If we are ever exactly what Resolutionhat AVCHD?
Which program DVC PRO HD can handle?
How come Materiral of the P2 card into the PC / MAC because you need a special reader, or can the card on the camera and then play via firewire into the PC / MAC?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
hello, I had a few times since general questions: ... Here you will find some answers:
Gruß Bernd E.