Frage von meawk:
Did the GF1 so synonymous for some time and am always surprised by how well you can shoot so synonymous (; Stillimage anyway...). I film mostly in the "S" mode with 1 / 50 and if necessary use a neutral density filter block, with exposure and + / - readjustment can be well controlled and the exposure has a quasi "halbmanuelle" handling of the action in video mode. Also helpful is that one car separately on the ISO block, for example, ISO 400, etc. can. The GF1 is my "Immerdabei", with a - I almost said - sensuous connection. . .
Here is a nice report of Craig Mod, "GF1 Field Test", which he has made of his trip to Nepal:
I Love the GF1
Antwort von Tuvok:

the test is so nice
but the type is a benefit
a normal human makes photos with automatic program and that's it
mansowas UACh get together?
get me those photos with meienr P 100 of Nikon not together, I would buy them? I wonder just which camera.