Frage von Hausi72:
My NV-DS30EG has been s.and now seemingly no sound.
Today for the first time at a wedding (when else) noticed.
It is not understandable why it is. On the
same tape is the sound in some recordings and completely away from other flawlessly since ... so what had been someone of you?
Many greetings
Antwort von domain:

If you already frequently uses an external Micro, you could contact the clamping mechanism of the jack socket in the camera and ausgeleiert be no longer close properly, so the internal Micro not activate correctly again the error is or ever has occurred with external Micro?
Then maybe there would be similar loose contact effects from poor contact surfaces in general.
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

Have you used long play?
Antwort von Hausi72:
Have you used long play? Yes, I have. I guess only in LP.
If you already frequently uses an external Micro, you could contact the clamping mechanism of the jack socket in the camera and ausgeleiert be no longer close properly, so the internal Micro not activate correctly again the error is or ever has occurred with external Micro?
Then maybe there would be similar loose contact effects from poor contact surfaces in general. I have since I had the camera maybe 5 times with an external Micro recorded, about 2 months before a concert about 2 hours with external Mirkofon. The question yesterday was recording with the built-Micro.
It was really so that I get a recording made, plus the camera is switched on and have started recording (approx. 5 minutes) and then break off again've Camera. 10 minutes later the same: Camera switched - Incorporated - pause - Camera off.
Score: 1x with Sound - 1x without sound .......
Danke schon mal the answers, I'm a bit desperate, because the wedding was a good friend and the camera has never been so gezickt has .....
Many greetings