Frage von HonkyBob:
Sorry what went wrong here
Antwort von HonkyBob:

Hello when I tape on my PC, I would like to get only one avi file with the ompletten footage. Unless I coil the tape just prior to the next film and look how long it is and then copy the section. etc. but if I multiple recordings on tape, I can have in the recording is not a break between each movie recording makes some kind of a marker? U nd later when copying the software remembers oh 7 Recording tape on 7-Avi files? Even nicer would be if the AVI files with the date of manufacture of the recording are? Is this a little too much to ask? I could understand it?
Na mal sehen.
Antwort von Markus:
Even nicer would be if the AVI files with the date of manufacture of the recording are? Hello,
times, see the capture software to ScenalyzerLive. The automatic can be used as synonymous separation scene a designation of the AVI files with the recording date.
Antwort von Duisburger:

Look at times in this program:
Antwort von HonkyBob:

Hello, there is a possibility at any s.Anfang recording the date and time einzublenden and in the film and not only in the LCD display on the camcorder? Must not long range 5-10 Sec. I ask why because I do the full band material on the calculator to copy edit it there. when I became a tape with 60 minutes in duration and there are recordings out there with a period of one week or a month bridge then I have the calculator only ne AVI file with the date of the above matches. and the little benefit to me.
Antwort von Markus:

Does the designation of the AVI file is not? Other possibilities of the date of insertion into the current video image, you will find with the search and the search term "Data Code".
IMHO there is nothing but what exactly suits your requirement.
Antwort von HonkyBob:

I understand why this is not synonymous Show the date nd time is not possible not even permanent. Or have I the only feature not found?
Antwort von Markus:
Or have I the only feature not found? Postpro or camcorder? - In both cases, the relevant documentation (manual) to demonstrate that the code or its data visualization support.
Antwort von HonkyBob:

Nothing in the instructions found on the subject.
Antwort von Markus:

I do not have a GS280, so I can not try it now.
Can you find somewhere a date or / and a time to enter? If this time or during the recording / playback and einblendbar?
Have you viewed times ScLive trial and thus gecapturet? If the AVI files with the correct recording time appointed?