Frage von Anna:
my brother has bought 3 years ago, the NV-GS70, and a little more than 900EUR paid. Now I thought to myself that I synonymous grow a camera that should not be too expensive. Since I got the idea to look for this Panasonic and to find them on amazon for just under 1500EUR. Even with is about the normal price.
Perhaps one could tell me why this camera is gesteigen in the last 3 years in the value and costs more than, say, (the successor?) The GS75?
Thank you once before ...
Antwort von Jan:

Hi Anna,
I can not imagine that one of the GS 70 can still buy new, the NachNachfolger GS 180 comes this week in the shops. The Prices have not deteriorated to the new models. The image quality in most cases, however, got better with the newer technologies (eg. CCD technology).
Good introduced the GS 70 (2003) had AV / DV IN which does not have both succeeded, but A: AV IN - need to digitize old analog signals B is (the edited movie on DVD As) at 70% of the clients or to He will be brought back on cassette?
I would take the GS 180, or want to get rid of the good "old" GS 75, the cut and now some companies.
PS: the EIA of the GS 70 was 2003 1500 ¬!
Antwort von Anna:

Hello Jan,
And thank you for your answer. I had that price at Amazon synonymous found only by Amazon itself, there is no direct link more to this camera, which probably indicates that this is an old page, which was probably not yet been removed.
I'll look at once the new models, which you have advised me there. My knowledge of the subject is still very limited because I've only just begun, but maybe I'll find something that suits me. It should be something quality to take into account but on the other Page synonymous price that the camera will probably be used mainly for the holidays.
Thanks again ....