Frage von fredo:
I buy me reflect a camcorder, I can not really decide. I have a few questions regarding technical data
The only difference between the 140 and 150 is still the DV-IN. Do you need this port really, there are at least 154 ¬ in between. (718 or 564 ¬). The 250 (808 ¬) j still has an additional OIS is the extra money really worth it? Or that has more features?
Antwort von Nightfly!:

To archive / temporary storage of DV-IN is desirable in any case.
So the GS150?
The optical image stabilization of the Panasonic has fared in the Comparison Bildstabilistator of Sonyschlechter.
But s.Besten try out yourself. (In the department store / retail)