Frage von xandix:
Hi All,
I would like to introduce my latest promotional spot.
Includes Making-Of.
The film was shot with Panasonic HPX500 (; first camera) and HVX 200 (;) second camera.
Making Of - Camera I made, with the Canon XHA1.
Used was synonymous with a hydraulic dolly tracks and various other equipment.
Can be seen well in the Making-Of ....
The Making-Of've cut myself.
The commercial itself has cut the director, the finishing (; color correction, etc.) I made.
The spot was exposed on 35mm and run in various cinemas in the metropolitan area Mannheim / Ludwigshafen.
Effects (in Youtube in HD quality; reingestellt 1280x720Pixel), I think the picture quality is good ....
Comments, suggestions and criticism is always welcome!
Antwort von JonasB:

Technically top-notch; was) Sometimes I feel that the drummer is too much blue in it, but wanted to be synonymous.
Content, I do not look very much behind: P had the nen sense? Denk should only look cool and listen to as synonymous, has succeeded;)
The end, however, is clearly too long and to "blend". Although it was 20 seconds, the beer in the picture, but the scene is set too low, that could well see it. May appear different in the movies synonymous, but Burney was already well on the "lens flare" and "movie";)
Has the actress made the stunts yourself?
The bottom line is a successful work, where I could turn synonymous in movies fun;)
Antwort von Axel:

Geile sport that so far successfully refused, (to become an official (; and trendy sport so corrupt), so far, the spot is an abuse). The pictures are of course multiple corrupts, but so tasty as hopefully the brew of the sponsor. I think it's
(Klaffer; trendy prollig lisped "Class"). Even the making-of is interesting.
Antwort von xandix:
Sometimes I have felt that the drummer is too much blue in it, but can be synonymous wanted. Was it so wished, should settle of the woman.
Content, I do not look very much behind: P had the nen sense? Denk should only look cool and listen to as synonymous, has succeeded;) The content is quite simple:
1. Cool appearance
2. Cool appearance
3. Cool appearance
4. The business woman hears the siren call WELDE and runs off. The drummers drumming is synonymous with the city and hears the siren call.
You make yourself s.Beach and chill with each other. Very cool.
The end, however, is clearly too long and to "blend". Although it was 20 seconds, the beer in the picture, but the scene is set too low, that could well see it. May appear different in the movies synonymous, but Burney was already well on the "lens flare" and "movie";) Have I felt so synonymous, but the customer wanted it so.
Has the actress made the stunts yourself? No sure there was a Traceurin.
Antwort von JonasB:

No sure there was a Traceurin. Thought already: P do not remember the spot, but the making of IT was at once a bit muscular;)
Antwort von JonasB:
Geile sport that so far successfully refused, (to become an official (; and trendy sport so corrupt), so far, the spot is an abuse). So trendy sport is Parkour already, but it skips every 15 years over the walls:) We have in the school even Parkour ... and what does it mean officially? Olypische games? There are already repays the World Championships. Extreme Parkour is. By Dopping hopefully the guys are still far away.
Parkour Without HP I'd have probably never started filming something and would not be in this forum;) (; interressiert ifs: D)
Antwort von Axel:

@ Jonas
About Trend Sports, I have a friendly sports student once edited the dissertation (;'m just thoroughbred Cutter merely nit mi `m Viddeo). There are different stages of transition towards an official sport (; examples of street soccer or beach volleyball). Extreme has not yet officially, still not an Olympic sport for example. It is referred to as such if s.ihn sponsors attach themselves to burnish their image. What follows are (dress code; tight bikinis playing beach volleyball, so we want to see what one) paid, a set of rules and - most important point - a marketable image. It would hold great pity if the Parkour (; apparently underlying "no barriers") would now be exploited. Almost a perversion. But the (;) insofar shitty beer spot is of course the proof. Sad.
Antwort von frm:

My opinion is (synonymous overall length, 50 sec had served perfection)
Unde the drummer is too blue, as it would be even more beautiful effects to make it sell.
I've seen no negative impact is Steadycam: (;
Otherwise, put up on the story Booyah! 1A
May I ask what the spot cost?
Antwort von xandix:

Unde the drummer is too blue, as it would be even more beautiful effects to make it sell. Yes this is sometimes just, you write a treatment, then a script. Then it is accepted by the customer. And there stands in it, each holding off himself. And then s.Schluss ists as blue as you see.
I've seen no negative impact is Steadycam: (;
Was synonymous desired so as "Rough" and "dirty"
May I ask what the spot cost?
FLo So the customer wirds (; ichs can not really say because I do not know what is required by the agency) to have cost about 90,000, - Euro.
Antwort von Piers:

Technically well done, there can be nothing to say.
But with such a professional effort, the bar is somewhat higher than for one-man guerilla-films.
In some places, but has the color correction a little "gossip about it." Especially the drummer. The opening scene is wonderful s.Kopierer corrected, but at the end of the clip is all a bit flauer. Ok, outdoor scenes are difficult to correct, and maybe they made synonymous to create different color of the cameras, but with such a production we can expect more synonymous ".
But I want to stress here that I call the color correction NOT to be totally wrong. It is only that I am at such a production just waiting for the tick more.
Beautiful, fast and very well cut chachiert the stunt double.
But the most important thing in the clip, because even the pros have problems. The story.
That the business woman and then heard a trigger call losrennt, I was xandix only after a clear explanation. Similarly, the drummer. It seemed rather before, as if she reacts to him. As one sees Storytelling is probably the most difficult.
And the end is not at all. This painfully long set the bottle destroys the whole clip.
But this is something all too well when dealing with customers and people from the advertising. They know it is always better. As xandix says the production team had even a shorter end in mind, but "... the customer wanted it that way."
These customers, well for me there are more patients who are in this respect, yes totally synonymous Beratungsresistent. Since the customer is already a media / film / video professionals, as it was not his project with its own know-how can brace and refused s.der important point in principle, the know-how of this very professional.
"Our marketing department has calculated, if we show the bottle 25 seconds to remember 85% of male viewers with red hair, are sometimes Fridays s.ungeraden s.The brand"
This marketing Fuzzis probably the last 25 years have not followed the flow of the moving image advertising. The spectator, synonymous if he has nothing to do with professional video, has angeignet unconsciously over the years, his enormous television media. Therefore, the spots are always better to just not want to bang with the steam hammer the product in their heads, but with a more subliminal message. Advertising that is just not as blatant advertising message, therefore, is the viewer / buyer much more accepted.
And if you look at the clip, so, yes, the customer wants to sell rather a "feeling" than a product. And the feeling of "coolness" and "escape from the dreary everyday life" just makes this last setting broken totally. As even remembers the last Depp, that since only one beer to be sold.
And these are precisely the moments where you can get involved and enthusiastic as s.Film Filmmakers always a damper, as would the final product can be so much better.
Antwort von xandix:

But this is something all too well when dealing with customers and people from the advertising. They know it is always better. As xandix says the production team had even a shorter end in mind, but "... the customer wanted it that way."
These customers, well for me there are more patients who are in this respect, yes totally synonymous Beratungsresistent. Since the customer is already a media / film / video professionals, as it was not his project with its own know-how can brace and refused s.der important point in principle, the know-how of this very professional.
"Our marketing department has calculated, if we show the bottle 25 seconds to remember 85% of male viewers with red hair, are sometimes Fridays s.ungeraden s.The brand"
Only around a little bit "out of school to talk" to:
It was during his post-production re-used an external "marketing consultant", the (; carefully worded) many things have called into question.
Because as beautiful as Piers says, "They know it is always better".
The whole has then gone out for several months ...
Again the same song: "Our market research has shown that if we ..."
No joke, that went several months, and her.
I found nothing at all funny. For me, the spot would have been about 1 minute.
But as I said: (The Client, and will) the marketing consultant so .....
Antwort von Piers:

"Marketing Consultant alone "..... when reading this word cold shiver run down my spine.
If one looks at this point, but is still something good came out when. Craft so it fits, has ruined the rest of the Marketing Hansel;-P
Antwort von hannibalekta:

Hi, find the clip synonymous well done. My favorite is the first setting. The grading s.end is much too heavy. Even if the final scenes are truly aesthetically, I have not felt 20 minutes look at a bottle of beer, to know that I must ungebdingt buy.
The concept and the manner in which the story was told, are weak. ¬ 90,000 ... oh man ey. Can we not do this for tenth? I mean, it's a joke, that the story is - that is what is at stake - here described in several articles as weak and then you spend as much coal for it.
Antwort von xandix:
Can we not do this for tenth? No. You can not, because only the technical costs of rental camera, Cinestyle optics, Dolly, the 40KW light, 3 trucks, etc., is more than one tenth.
2xKameramann And (the people;, 1xKameraassistent, 1 xRegie) 1xProduktionsleitung, 3xLicht 1xGrip, only the biggest money-synonymous positions to try to call you 3 days to work for it.
This is not an independent film in which all of (a OneMan Show, One and Two) is made. This needs to get in 3 days, the 15Mann - all in team kit.
Even the performers get money, and not just little (; incl buyout are you up to at your tenth )....
Antwort von hannibalekta:

Hey, one tenth was naturally provocative meant. Nevertheless, I find these costs excessive. And it is after all an indie film so far as the (; apart of the beginning and end) here an indie aesthetic is operated. A guy at a junkyard, the discs adopts, a woman who does parkour in the city, (affiliations s.alte films; Burns film), rapid cuts in an urban setting - if that's not clear to the Indifilm is taken, I do not synonymous white. I think it's just absurd, costly to produce something which is not to look like this.
What would interest me: the one monitor in the Making Of (; the way, I think super): This is a Dell monitor, right? Is it simply a normal PC monitor with DVI-In?
Antwort von Axel:
Can we not do this for tenth?
No. You can not, because .... Film anyway, and advertising in particular, just have money to burn with a grand gesture to give your products a special shine to what is called in America "production value".
Here the amateur comes into play, along with special equipment synonymous lacks the know-how. But the s.Kopf scratching himself and says: "That must be effectively synonymous go."
It goes. S.der instrumental in developing a cool, looks more expensive for modern films, the "Magic Bullet" was Stu Maschwitz, VFX supervisor for almost all the major effect of films of recent years.
His book
DV Rebel
By this I do not express any contempt for professionalism, let alone for that commercial. One must, however davorsitzen as non-professionals are not always with an open mouth drooling. These thoughts I express in all modesty. Take you on commercials on your hard drive, analyzing the individual settings, they cut again. And you save respect for things that deserve it.
Antwort von hannibalekta:
For that one are not being effective, showing Maschwitz s.vielen examples. I have both the Book as synonymous MB. That his way of working 'efficiently' (; is effectively) in the sense of, I think synonymous.
It is quite simply ineffective if, like standing at the parkour scenes in the making-of, 5 people behind the camera and watch. I think it is synonymous ineffective, if not slow motion are smooth and overexposed sky. I think it is ineffective if a story does not work and a whole apparatus of people who (hinder each other, with respect to film people and marketing consultant), is to blame. What has really done a drummer with beer? Actually looks like an exposé of sowas and how to get through it? "Business women hear siren call of drum and man running wildly through the city around him then hit s.einem the beach and drink the coolest beer in the world". That is illogical and uncreative. Rent technology does not count as an argument for the cost. Were the story horny synonymous everyone would go, if it were on VHS ner-cam rotated.
I think I would be pissed if I had invested ¬ 90,000 in such a clip.
Antwort von xandix:

What would interest me: the one monitor in the Making Of (; the way, I think super): This is a Dell monitor, right? Is it simply a normal PC monitor with DVI-In? Yes, it's a 24Zoll Dell Computer Display (; 1920x1200Pixel), with DVI-IN. However, even HPX500 delivers no DVI.
This is why (in the case; Eigenbau of me) with "UltraLowNoise computer fan" with Temperature-controlled fan speed is still a Black Magic Design Decklink HD-SDI DVI Converter makes out. At the same time the converter GAMMA offers of correction etc. Thus, I have a (; relatively) true color control monitor. Although no class 1 monitor, but pretty good. The Dell is because he is one of the few monitors from the Computerbeich, the 50Hz can natively show.
Unfortunately, the whole only with AC power goes not with Battery.
Antwort von hannibalekta:

... synonymous, and I do not think that advertising needs to swallow Money. Any commercially minded - in this case - Bierbrauer pleased if he can save and get authentic results.
Of course he should have guarantees that everything works - which is synonymous pay full price, I can understand (and I would put myself synonymous with any surgery under the knife, which is my Facelift for half price if I did not know that he is super;) ).
PS: I do not need a facelift
Antwort von Axel:

@ hannibalekta
All right, the beckoning synonymous of 350 Aboriginal didgeridoo could be played at their place and the rendezvous with the beer hall of Atlantis submarine. With logic you can not get far in advertising.
The first few seconds were the best. You s.Kopierer, ultra-professional and perfectly styled, in countershot the drummer. Then it comes over (; What? Thirsty? Savagery? Anger at these stupid "toilet broken" signs?) And it starts s.rumzuflippen. In retrospect, motivate everything. And marketing Dampfplauderer-air steak, of course, really big to be a motivation to spin cope. For all this may xandix nix. The Ineffektivste at sowas are (of course, the decision-makers, whose hairdresser, as they still had hair) would eventually synonymous live. What the agency actually charged the customer?
Antwort von xandix:

Of course he should have guarantees that everything works - which is synonymous pay full price, I can understand
To explain the entire something to:
First, the idea of the agency was asked from us. Then we have a framework of defined cost of about 30,000, - Euro.
Then we have long heard nothing more.
Then again, the Agency has requested. Is all this "will be even better."
We have learned that dieIdee of any company for 10.000, - Euro has been implemented (; no idea how much the technology cost and how much the staff has). The customer has thrown this thing in the trash and said I will have it better.
Thereupon, we have set a higher budget. With more advanced technology, more manpower, filming locations, the cost MONEY (: but for the customer locations around 4000, - Euro (was; net) paid for). Starring cast right, etc.
Then comes about .... sowas already
Antwort von xandix:
What the agency actually charged the customer? I would like to know once synonymous. Since agents always make it into a secret.
I guess it's different with every customer ....
Antwort von KrischanDO:
I mean, it's a joke, that the story is - that is what is at stake - here described in several articles as weak and then you spend as much coal for it. Well, that's better, the brewery has the dough on advertising and fed to a few people from our industry as the CEO, the dough to distribute as bonuses and burn them in closed real estate funds or stocks.
PS: Inner calls are in the air, I turn now to be as a cameraman s.einen spot where a few people suddenly considered synonymous to the new store.
Antwort von xandix:

Well, that's better, the brewery has the dough on advertising and fed to a few people from our industry as the CEO, the dough to distribute as bonuses and burn them in closed real estate funds or stocks.
yes, a real word!
Much is cursed, all that needs to be so cheap, are being dumped, the Prices.
Let's be glad there are still synonymous for such contracts.