Frage von Bass75:
I try in vain just a path from Illustrator / Photoshop File under After Effects to import. Have similar contributions have already been found here, but unfortunately I'm not so forward.
- Programs are all CS3 versions
- AICB - retained paths is enabled (Illustrator)
- The AE level in which the path should be inserted, was highlighted.
- Copy / Paste not funzt
For copy / paste it fits me just as a rectangle mask. My path is but a spiral.
I need this path as a mask behind the Effect of "dash" to apply.
Has anyone an idea or maybe a link with the problem-solving?
Thank you in advance.
Antwort von AISCHA_7:

Since I have just myself to answering my contribution wait, I read your random and tested.
So does that for me without any problems:
Spiral in AI with the mouse
Ctrl C in AI - Ctrl V AE.
and my path is there.
Why does it work for you because not?
Antwort von castingeurope:
I try in vain just a path from Illustrator / Photoshop File under After Effects to import. You choose the path in Illustrator with the right tool? Did he fill irgend'ne funny? Sounds as if you select individual points and AE it derives the bounding box and inserts.
Antwort von Bass75:

I just go with the selection tool a framework to draw the spiral. Then all the points were marked. Is there some another way?
Antwort von Mylenium:
I just go with the selection tool a framework to draw the spiral. Then all the points were marked. Is there some another way? What a selection tool? Anchor point tool (white arrow) or path / Quick Select (black arrow)? This makes a marked difference!
Antwort von Bass75:

Did it with only the anchor point tool tries, then with the selection tool. Funzt not both. Very strange.
Antwort von Mylenium:

Yo, funny. Would you now live to see. Seems somewhere s.deinem system terminals.