Frage von meister eder:
I faced with the question, how much you can charge for the following services:
it's about two DV tapes to capture and more or less ungschaut burn to DVD.
How much would you expect?
as charged her something? per hour? or flat?
you might have guidelines for asking such a price on it want with me / us teielen? ;)
Best thanks in advance & lg,
meister eder your
Antwort von Stefan:

A large pizza Capriciosa or Corsica (but instead of pepperoni olives) plus a large beer ;-)
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Meister Eder:

are you really ask, "nothing"?
I mean, three hours since you sit almost in front of computer (ie 2x60mins enspiel band trim, and here and there, and then stop still on a video dvd burn ...)
what others are saying?
Antwort von ruessel:

There are still practical DVD Recorder ..... Camera anpoppen, run and press "record", kaffeetrinken go .....
or after hours work .... 40-80 euros depending on the system and quality ......
Antwort von MiXMaster:

s.DVD recorder I've never thought of not at ... problematic for these devices but still the compatibility with other stand-alone dvd players. I did my time, a DVD of a SonyDVD records viewed on a recher ( "data structure" in explorer) and have been amazed ... My software-dvd players have not packed with kinternet!
since you have experience?
Thanks for the tip on jedef all! ;)
Antwort von Nightfly!:

Moin moin!
are you really ask, "nothing"?
I mean, three hours since you sit almost in front of computer (ie 2x60mins enspiel band trim, and here and there, and then stop still on a video dvd burn ...)
what others are saying? IT is indeed not about cutting, that is, one must not sit s.Calculator and inspect the scene.
BE is the personal cost almost null.
HOWEVER, you could offset electricity costs, wear and blank, which, however, with
A large pizza Capriciosa or Corsica (but instead of pepperoni olives) plus a large beer ;-) should be dismissed.
Antwort von Markus:

Hello, "Meister Eder"
The question is whether you have this service for commercial or hobby offerest? Anyway, how professionally the result look like? If you put up a low-cost or professional Setter? Do you use a good MPEG2 encoder? Are you just cheap or very good blanks? And so, next ... ;-)
Contracts like this are usually charged a flat rate. Many video productions you can find such lists on the website. ;-)