Frage von leoHDV:
Hello everybody!
For some time I work with magix video deluxe plus 07/08 and would like to now because I get no new computer, a new cutting synonymous software. I film and edit in HDV and DV!
The data for the new computer:
4-core processor 6600 @ @ 3.2 GHz
4 GB DDR 2 Ram-memory (1066 MHz)
Radeon 1950 Pro 256 MB
Windows XP 32 Bit
a 150 GB hard drive (15,000 rpm)
and a 500 GB hard drive for archiving and so ...
I would like to see soon a synonymous Blue-Ray burner growth, so the program should provide this type of DVD support!
Do you perhaps the software with these hardware components together s.bessten? Magix's total to paralyze me and has problems with multi-core CPU `s. ..
If max cost 200 ¬ ... highest ¬ drüber a few more ^ ^
Thanks already for your answers!
Antwort von geid0r:

How about because with Adobe Premiere CS3?
I have similar components, such as you, working synonymous with premiere and can not complain. In particular, the targeted use of multi-core processors is great! So I have the DV rendering a total capacity of about 90%!
Antwort von robbie:

Premiere is certainly a good solution.
How much the program costs alone now I know not, however. You have to be yourself but be aware that you have for the preparation of BluRay then synonymous Encore need to and because most of Premiere and Encore Photoshop is synonymous out of distress.
Perhaps you are students Stundent / Lecturer, then yes, you can one of these bundles of Education to buy Adobe, it's much cheaper!
Optimally for the next Calculator's a tip: First, the software ausuchen, then the calculator on the software to vote ;)... especially if you have special hardware verbaust;)
Antwort von Helene:

Edius Neo, not so my favorit
or 8 per vegas (gabs again only one thread for how to below 200 ¬ gets legal
Antwort von Helene:

Premiere Elements 4 should go - Blue Ray is supported, but have no idea how that goes with the authoring ...
Antwort von leoHDV:

Thank you for your answers!
I must say, I did the PC have not yet ordered!
So I ask myself a bit by!
A software, HDV mitder you cut that my hardware and even the Blue-ray burn, there is not in one, or what?
I film with a Canon hv 20 and the sound is a zoom with H 2 digital recorder recorded.
Is sony vegas good?