Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: Performance Capture: The Future of cinema?
Antwort von Jörg:

Extract from the article
An archive of accessible, virtual actors, including their typical gestures / facial expressions / movements, their living counterparts (or heirs) s.jedem used to be involved in a film - can be freely combined with each other, rendered usable in any drama courses, which was then (it's in Paris the 20s, in ancient Rome, or Germany in World War II ebefalls) In the available digital - because only lacks the script, which then all together and animated ... billion and the mentally ill, the stuff of such beams in the cinemas ...
But, at the presence of such people, I make myself any illusions.
If there are virtual because, not rustling, knisterne popcorn containers ....
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

If they accept the serious forms, should be the actors actually look. For who will s.Mimikkonserven used, can be even more impressed by good play.
Antwort von ddiethelm:

Then soon everybody is still so crappy-looking man to be an actor ... or should we say, or even better capture puppeteer? ... or will soon be unemployed because so many actors is enough for one person all of the actors or the whole movie? Actor, a dying profession;)
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

I annoy the absolute extremes, which are totally erstmal critical of any successful, the new technology. There must be only the concept of "Avatar" and has covered all fall upon it. Do I drive it for always on the top and can not technology as it is to see?
Then soon everybody is still so crappy-looking man to be an actor ... It is precisely this that is NOT! The actor must be able to play very well to breathe life to the Figut. It is also here anyway just to breathe a computer character lives to make them as realistic as possible to move.
The first just means that an actor can look in the future "at random". Synonymous, but I'm sure that will not have a good actor "Will Smith computer-controlled".
It is important, and remains, that new ways the story does not replace, but are there to make the perfect illusion, and we long for a time in a never-seen "dream world" brings!
Best regards,
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

You're going to him, although you then write something like that?
He writes synonymous only in appearance, not every idiot (ie, within the meaning of "idiot" might be) actors. So will there be puppeteers who are usually not for the outside - as it is synonymous with the speakers.
There are a lot of determined people who are not suitable because of their appearance on the stage or camera, but can still move very well and play well with facial expressions.
Antwort von ddiethelm:

Thanks Schleich Michel, You have understood it.
Antwort von Axel:

A bit OT: Bruce Willis plays in the current SF-thriller
Surrogates him of his remote-controlled, younger-looking robot. As a robot he sees full of shit, my face is too smooth and rigid, and the blond Fifi just conceited. This is of course the intention of the movie show how surface may be the so-called perfection. He and the other actors are apart rejuvenated to an extent, how could traditional makeup and never never. Certainly the basic idea of the film, as we see here so long not really
fiction. And besides, someone hires Bruce Willis or Will Smith, it's because they play so moving? If you do not like because it is reliable to lend more or less the same role again convincing her face? So no reason to be afraid of the future stereotypes in movies too. A film like
"The white tape is neither of 3D still of 48 fps even of" PC "affected in some way, to happiness.
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

Where Haneke certainly would do interesting things with 3D.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

It is important, and remains, that new ways the story does not replace, but are there to make the perfect illusion, and we long for a time in a never-seen "dream world" brings!
B. DeKid
Antwort von ennui:

"Dream World", "Illusions", I assume you are more Disney fans or fantasy? Does it really Brecht's theories about the theater, or on Godard's film? Or the dogma concept? Roughly speaking, all wanted to do the opposite. In the theater, this suggestion has long dream world total "out". And as long as there is no holodeck, or better still, direct brain-there Interconnect, which will always be synonymous only clumsy attempts. Dreams from the can, like a standardized Fertigpizza or a cheeseburger. Can taste permanently unhealthy. (I remember just s.erbitterte discussions about the film version of Michael Ende's "The Neverending Story", at that time).
Antwort von Axel:
(I remember just s.erbitterte discussions about the film version of Michael Ende's "The Neverending Story", at that time). I synonymous. In the book, the reader needs to imagine
itself, which imagines the boy straight. That is so far unmatched interactivity, as it generalizes said, is possible only by omissions and insinuations. The imagination is
stimulated. In the film (in this specific), however, is anything till you drop durchillustriert, which can only accept a passive investor. The imagination is turned off, the imagination dies that has NOTHING. They said the Augsburger Puppenkiste would have been better for the Book. A puppet version of
Star Wars or
avatar, I also find funny.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

But no preference is yet one more with MoCap can "achieve a dream world"!
Anyone who had to deal with mal Crowd Replication and BVH files to good MoCap can only dream of.
Any stunts and special FX are prophecy of this technique.
So much so that no spectator will remember more!
Schaut euch mal s.den the clip
KrischanDO [url =]hier[url] had links to "The Third and The Seventh"
And then again what once told of a dream world!
B. DeKid
Antwort von ennui:

Yes, exactly. Only the ( "destroys imagination" indeed), a fundamental argument against s.sch images, and for writing / Language ... Where I am now at "The white tape would not know" whether I'd have liked better a Book. Or whether the would be better if Gerd Frobe by motion capturing still synonymous imm film had appeared.
But what has been striking, as is now squinted at smaller amateur film productions ever on film cliches, and have people for certain things / scenarios always ready images in my head, which they themselves somewhere (TV, movies) to know (eg . the famous "View from the fridge") at x short films. Since we have all the freedom to dictate the world, no funding and no producers s.den heels, the "mainstream", but what do you do-and mimic Hollywood in small. Instead of his own weaknesses (technology, production-see value) as strengths.
It will be interesting, now what the mass distribution of 35mm with-look, cranes, dollies, etc. are among amateurs from Holllywood, either because they still preparing for next (CGI, motion capture, 3D ...), round of the amateur discontinued. Or they rely on more subtle means, eg. Good (expensive), authors and performers.
Basically, there are indeed a Page in film technology, which is simply expensive, who can do more reinbuttern Money has the "better" product. And the other Page, which has less to do with money than with talent and imagination: Who has something to tell surprising, unusual or show has the better product. The two sides can, but do not overlap. But even want s.Filmhochschulen students today tend to show only times that they can master the craft and deliver what is needed - to get jobs, to be able to make movies. The other, the experiment is always a greater risk, especially economically. Geliingt it, waving to little more fame.
Antwort von Axel:
And then again what once told of a dream world! And what that has to do with motion capture to? This is an orgy of photography enthusiasts (synonymous when CG), super nice, but "as deadly boring" film. I can not judge that part so well, but probably it is a one pictorially, narratively, but a five. Wrong topic, wrong
forum. Yes, exactly. Only the ( "destroys imagination" indeed), a fundamental argument against s.sch images, and for writing / Language ... Where I am now at "The white tape would not know" whether I'd have liked better a Book. Good example. The story in
the white tape is all that is
not shown in the movie! The clichés that you mention do not need to be told what you "transported in a movie" are thoughts and feelings, images and sounds are indeed the only provoke. If they are in themselves, as in the Bloom-like the example above, it is a bad film.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

This has only to do alone, and thus leading to the application of this technique and MoCap sollche figures such as
entirely new ways to prepare.
See remake "House of Wax" Making of the 18th of version .... how to brush him half his face green and then replace the PC.
For the soEffekte ausreizen they wanted even more is just good.
With MoCap stunt, it will be possible to shoot with a stand realistic battle scenes can make the respective actors.
To create more realistic crowds in the Picture.
Realistic facial retouching and editing games each actor in the post production rates (turn continues)
All in all, the MoCap Way to go, and not 3D!
I am working for years with the technology and this year will finally have their own motion capture studio - for a long time I've had to save but that is really worth it.
That is why I as they respond a little more than a few doubters when I sometimes read comments here!
Me (us in the scene) really is not about replacing an actor but also enhance the overall work!
And indeed, as in the linked video - just do not notice the audience whether it be CGI or even real!
And that is exactly the point.
An animation is just as good if the viewer is not noticeable that it is an animation.
And this is one of the tasks which we should give the "dream world" movie.
B. DeKid
PS: Yes, the film is "lengthy" but the pictures are "unique"
Ok, the pictures here are synonymous, all very good
Antwort von Axel:
I am working for years with the technology and this year will finally have their own motion capture studio - for a long time I've had to save but that is really worth it.
That is why I as they respond a little more than a few doubters when I sometimes read comments here!
Me (us in the scene) really is not about replacing an actor but also enhance the overall work! Since I am flabbergasted. This explains some of your preferences, eg for
The Cell and
What Dreams May Come. Then you should have
avatar (synonymous as 2D) downright shocked, because, as you certainly noticed, I like the movie just because of technology. Here was not gekleckert!
I always hope to filmmaking tools are used not only in the modest sense to save in production costs or to clone a star. We are in relation to the art of telling about films to be as creative as the artists of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs: It's all still ahead of us, but we will need to develop alongside us to help realize the potential. Your enthusiasm is certainly a useful agent for sowas.
Please forgive the novice question: Do you have a book recommendation for the Introduction of the technology that made possible the above movie? Is everything from the computer or is it just added ""? Not that I see myself to paint and artificial landscapes, to set up a render farm, but understand in principle, how it was done I would have.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Unfortunately I have not seen before avatar!
There are no cinemas in the vicinity and a "rip" version of "studio" quality, there is at this time for this project not synonymous.
I'll just have to wait until it stop the film on BD / DVD purchase, and there it must then kucken in my home theater as I have to do it at 80% of all movies.
"The Cell" is simply a work of art!
The game with the "unreal" the color brilliance and the art and craftsmanship in the construction of scenery for me is just SUPER.
"Beyond the Horizon" is synonymous of the most important films in terms of these points, because it simply represents a fireworks display for the eye!
In both shooting the story is told but improvements could still use some worthy and more, "Coen" influence.
Because basically has a history of always in focus and captivate the viewer to think and move straight to be sold and not as a consumer good!
B. DeKid
PS: "Polar Express" is in terms of MoCap for me, then currently the milestone in this technology, what movies s.belangt .... otherwise, stop everything I know from EA Studios (Sports) - which I did but after my stay in Canada rather nen guten wire Chate and often with people who work there.
Antwort von Anne Nerven:

I think comparing apples with pears here. You can not compare actors with action hero and not play with action film. Just because both, in the movies running. Or anywhere else.
For an action film it is scheißno preference whether rumhampelt Will Smith 100 days before a green wall and the rest will be built with 3D or in the future all right. Save the green wall, saves actors, lighting technicians, cinematographers and Tonfuzzi - just to name a few, remain their salary with CG in the wallet of the producer. A 3D autistic costs only a fraction of that. One Indian even a fraction of a fraction.
In addition, Hollywood stars are not actors. They are at best performers. Her scenes take seconds - it is coming, "Cut!" ) In a single sentence (without the comma is partially changed twice perspective. Also nix acting. But this requires synonymous None. The target audience will be entertained with good-looking people. Not with thinking - that they need to work / school. And, most importantly synonymous: the audience does not consist of videobegeisterten Forums jerks like us, but from all others. For those who have nothing to do with the film.
And these are by no means all idiots. Involving simple by just s.Arsch, worked with the application or with what Cam was. The synonymous not want to expand their intellectual horizons, if they choose their movie. The easy-going to the movies and watch 's film. Nothing more.
Briefly to the "dream world" - video on Vimeo: Well done! But for every non-3D-Heinz is a boring mess. What gives? I have borne it 4 minutes, then I scrolled and was quite ready to fix. Without "Wow" or "Hui". Gives me nothing at all, because it's all about the doing. It is sinnfrei fills no context. The bird has probably locked for months and built a very expensive film. Unfortunately, one of the only shows that he has long worked on it. No story, no entertainment. Only shapes, textures, camera movements and lighting effects. Yawn! 3D forums, the artist will probably worshiped.
Yes it is, the world: billions of people, billions of interests, ideas, billion, billion, opinions ...
Antwort von HT:

Wow, barely coming up to the topic of the performance-capture, here come the buzzwords turn. Not that they were now only asks whether the technology is bad enough, no, some even fear the demise of the ambitious film, and refer to that epic theater or on dogma's 95th
For once, I must say that Cameron really succeeded with Avatar is technically a masterpiece. In Gegengsatz example to "Peter Jackson's King Kong" contribute the interactions of real and virtual actors with each other and the environment really as a unified whole. Some were puzzled by the idea at all whether there were real actors in the film.
Certainly, from the Story of Avatar could have been more to (the idea with the thought-avatar but just invites you to the philosophical question: Who am I now?). But yes synonymous Titanic glistened in the implementation rather than the originality of the plot, but it just seemed so good to be among the visitors arrived.
Raises the question: What should be a good movie. For some, a movie is certainly good when it all crashes to get the senses much "input" and carry the brain must evaluate not only their own big ideas.
And then there are as yet another extreme group that is not enough to claim it in everyday life, the brain, but are synonymous in the movies want to deal with problems.
The latter group has vorgworfen here in the forum, that all 'the effects are still unnecessary and distract from the essential.
"Dream World", "Illusions", I assume you are more Disney fans or fantasy? Does it really Brecht's theories about the theater, or on Godard's film? Or the dogma concept? Roughly speaking, all wanted to do the opposite. In the theater, this suggestion has long dream world total "out". (Quote of ennui)
That may well be that the theater has tried before with more Allerei machines and structures to create a good illusion. Just why it has abandoned them? How many theaters today, losing big scenes and effects? Quite simply, they had no chance against the movies, the film is the continuation of the "Illusion Theater" in a new technological dimension. Therefore, one should not make the mistake of comparing with theatrical film. A film must be more (or something else) as a theater.
I think a film, a demanding synonymous, may very well lead us into a dream world / from everyday life, so I think it is even his duty to give back a new element of fantasy, which they can then refactoring (Fantasia is nothing more than known impressions recombined and without comment, it can not synonymous) combine's. The movie should have interesting characters and it is quite no preference, whether real or they exist only virtually. It is also important: the film must themselves give us impetus to be actively thinking about, how well the main character lives on) (eg open-ended, or what would have been if the main character would have done something else. In all, a film should be us in an interesting environment with interesting people to introduce such a way that could broaden the audience during and after the film the story in their minds and change.
A film as a pure representation of reality in which direction such as the Dogme 95 is generally I consider to be necessary, because the reality: I know from my everyday life is enough for the media in our society, one of THE BIGGEST ERROR in general, anything by the camera aufegnommenes show the world PURELY Lens. Even Lars-of-Trier (co-founder of the Dogma 95) is by now abandoned them.
So after my little digression again back to the topic:
A film gets its value from what he dealt with and how he shows it. Especially the latter is not limited of the art. If now is the complete digital film production, there will be synonymous more opportunities for the 'how'. The 'what' but still not lose s.Bedeutung.
Antwort von ennui:

[quote = "HT" And then there are as yet another extreme group that is not enough to claim it in everyday life, the brain, but are synonymous in the movies want to deal with problems.
The latter group has vorgworfen here in the forum, that all 'the effects are still unnecessary and distract from the essential. [/ Quote]
I just feel better entertained when my brain is stressed in the sense that I will be surprised or spoken to, and not get bored with clichés. Films that are very trendy now treat social problems, and this is perhaps clichéd, really interest me less - this is synonymous as a genre in itself these days, with funding as a "sophisticated" always welcome. For me, what usually less, or it is not about me. "Authenticity" or something, no film is extremely artificial. I am not in the usual hineinträumen dream worlds just find it tacky, tasteless, often tasteless, flat. But to act films, from seeing, and happy memory of that show can arise for me things without them. Hitchcock always.
The theater had to rethink certain because of the movies, that's true, I've only way out that there is still Theaters
And what that now () is deliberately done differently, can be quite instructive. I am bored with that innovations in the film industry at present are more technical than substantive or formal, with new technology, of course, can inspire new narrative.
But eg Night of the Living Dead and Carnival of Souls. So popular films, trashy in some eyes, which are still great films, and low budget. Carnival of Souls have made people who otherwise only image industry have made things that little technique, nix motion capturing. Fixed camera settings from the tripod, pans, good cut, very classical. And it goes perfectly. For this, I let each 7-million high-tech wax left.
Personally, I fall a little, what can be done with motion capture, which I find interesting for me. The technique itself I find interesting. But life-size cartoons, aliens, Marilyn Monroe, advertising, fast-paced kung fu klopperei - ah well. CGI can I find quite interesting but basically, because you can build that world as only the sauteur Studio.
Most likely to still like the democratization of digital technology, as ready now as in the audio field equipment for serious amateurs or semi-professional, the 10, 20 years ago was only available to large enterprises, as in the audio field. But like as you have to do now synonymous something of it.
If now 4 years old to play in an amateur one kitschy awkward, but technically perfect CGI can make short film in which Bogart and Monroe and Gerd Frobe lifelike, I could find that again witty and well and correctly. The effects can even synonymous like "being real". But to do that then please do not even a shooting, a banal love story, a car chase and kung-fu and the obligatory klopperei Erotkszene.
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

If we have so much reality in everyday life, why should we look at a play or a film which consists only of this "reality"? But it is mostly a matter of understanding something new to empathize, to experience tension, etc.
I mean effects in "dream world" neither fantasy nor special. Even good Dogma films create such a "world".
Best regards,
Antwort von ennui:

In order to understand their own daily lives? To abzuschauen to an alleged brilliance, and transferred to their own lives, in vain? Why do people watch American Idol? And how much have we actually even in everyday life?
The Social Problems-maligned here everyday dreariness-author storm were built in the 60s, because people the film of the 40s and 50s were so tired of all the rancid dream worlds in which they sought refuge there, while outside umhermarschierte the Wehrmacht. Or the piefigen Winnetou films - because they found the daily lives and their own lives at some interesting and relevant. And that film is artificial, the alienation effects, including synonymous act already good Fassbinder films, if they have not time social problems as substance.
Antwort von Axel:

Ennui, I fully agree, because I am never bored, except when I realize that one wants to
talk to. I agree with Anne nerves too full, because I very much synonymous interested to see what other people happy. If it happened to American Idol is, I need to compensate, but at least one particularly hard splatter.
I agree HT is too full, because a lack of new techniques within the meaning of the inventor of the cinema. As the inventor of the cinema now I do not reckon time the Lumière brothers (or whoever always synonymous), but Méliès, and who sold his grandmother for an Effect!
I agree with Black Eagle to full, because film synonymous when the reality of drift, must be no escape, but alternative thinking, according to the Raiffeisen motto,
we will clear the path. What really makes the virtual resurrection of Herculaneum?
I agree as DeKid too full, but I owe it my job to point out that
avatar in the
Lawrence of Arabia, 2001, play-me-the song is
one-of-death - Class of shooting, not on the big screen see is a crime. If even at home, then in the home
cinema: Nah sit dim high volume, light, telephones out!
Antwort von domain:
Ennui, I fully agree, because I am never bored, except when I realize that one wants to talk to.
That was a good announcement. Now I know why I'm bored with ordinary Hollywood entertainment films always so.
Everything and launched with dozens of script-and Gagschreibern planned "entertainment" and moreover with campy Star actors "realized".