Frage von Schugaland:
have a PC with Phenom X6 (, 6 cores), 4 GB Ram and a graphics card with 2 GB of memory.
Now I have the trial version of After Effects CS5 and have noticed that the RAM preview is only about 20 frames long and then simply stops. It probably seems to be because I am the program does not provide enough Ram.
When I go to the settings in memory and multiprocessing, it is because: Ram available for AE: 4GB. But when I click on details below left, then it says: Minimum required space: 0.4 GB, max. Usable memory: 4GB and max. allowable memory 0.4 GB. Top over it is still "Permitted Ram Usage: 0.4 GB" and "current Ram usage: 0.32 GB".
Is not that strange?
How it looks with the 2 GB of the graphics card? At AE bring anything?
About an answer I would be very happy
Schug Aland
Antwort von Mylenium:
Is not that strange? Not really ... Probably a configuration problem with your AMD processor-Protz. ;-) In this (theoretical) data first, I would not give much, but only 20 frames RAM preview would worry me know ...
How it looks with the 2 GB of the graphics card? At AE bring anything? No! Why? but is not a game or 3D program. There could be a cheap 40 Euro card stuck in it and the result would be the same. In general, even for reasons of stability even more recommended auszuknipsen OpenGL ...
Antwort von Schugaland:

Thanks for your reply.
That is, for AE is mainly required a lot of Ram and Processor NEN good, yes? Then the problem is perhaps because that 4 GB is not sufficient simply? At least for multiprocessing, it is not even enough. Since there are always synonymous ne error message "Not enough RAM, more CPU processing was disabled. Even though I was only using 3 cores and each core only 0.75 GB.
Is the solution then is to buy more RAM?