Frage von organica:
All beginnings are difficult and I would be very grateful for some assistance. :-)
photos of individual I would like to create a animation that is both on the tv later, when projection is to see on canvas as a disco-synonymous in the internet.
pictures are created with a normal digital. Now I have to tinker around in photoshop and edit them into the correct format in order to bring it next with after effects.
1. thought I'm from pixel 1920 x 1080th should be big enough for everything, right?
2. how to save the single images? thought of. jpg
3. with the aims of the square pixels (for monitors, as far as I know) I already applied to the photos in photoshop, or only in aftereffects?
4. what a color profile should I choose to print there is nothing so useless to or with is saved, but only to monitor / tv
Later in the after effects if I have the animation in the timeline he created me pull out of the car, the size of the picture settings.
5. I then change anything? So pal colors and sizes with the above select? hd or something moderate. or is that no preference as long as one has the correct resolution?
6. If I let s.The beginning of square pixels, then I'm schonmal the right one for monitors. You can then very end, when everything is finished and that is burned on dvd still change, that everything on tv / projection is suitable?
Many thanks schonmal!
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Only once out of curiosity:
1. Do you have anything you inquired of by simply trying times and tried to learn through observation and interpretation, itself?
2. Why must it be for something Simples calculated AfterEffects? Simply take your standard NLE dressed, just the pics, scale and frame mode as they need, and good.
Antwort von organica:

s pile sections will give thousands of photos, etc. .. this is not so simple ...
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Yes ... And the answers to my questions?
Antwort von organica:

I actually had to ask made. But if you insist ... 've already tried everything possible and it is synonymous left everything in the hose ...
Antwort von Debonnaire:

And where is the problem, reinzuziehen the Camera Pics simple and pop straight into the NLE timeline in ne? First scaled in Photoshop is not necessary and is almost certainly easier in the NLE. There you can also still the exact detail to determine if the center does not always supposed to be the auto center. I think you're going to the far too complicated! Low Budget RENDER rumzufragen place ever!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

SRGB color space
Pixel ratio via PS Set (New - template-Film - Choose format)
Trimming is better (as a scaling depending on the Camera and depending on the output format)
I'd bet on DPI 300dpi
Function, or batch processor used for many photos.
SlideShows can be synonymous directly via PS make this "timeline to show"
B. DeKid
PS: quadart pixels are not meant for printing film.