Frage von Bijan:
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas first and a happy 2011!! The forum is really great!
Now to my question: It is basically just a user problem. My concern is with Photoshop CS 5 lower thirds for video clips and animation material for video clips to create, as a Photoshop file (*. psd) and save it in Premiere or After Effects to animate synonymous times.
Now I would like to request the "Picture" Crop, ie cut edges or filling certain amount (as with logos) to getalten transparent. How do I do that? I mark with the "magic wand" tool, the area I wish to remove, or would like to clear, but how do I make the selected area transparent?
I thank you for your answer!
LG Bijan
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Maki> DELETE button or press VerktorMasken Add button (in the window below levels in the bar at the symbol rectangle with circle in the middle)
If you have something you can makiert synonymous with NEM right click on the makiert Föäche "Choice Invert" button if you want to mask the other sector, for example.
B. DeKid