Frage von kalteis:
Hi community,
the effect of which I speak seems to be a trend level, I see him quite a bit lately. This "glow" above the picture to see in the intro of Californication, or better at the 4 hour trailer body during transitions:
A customer of me wants this in the extreme in a trailer I am making for him. With colored Lensflare I let loose with wiggler with layer modes and put over the video, which comes over quite OK, but every time to make beautiful, is a decent effort. Now I've seen a video of someone of whom I know that he is not busy with editing, and therefore not of itself could make something as beautiful as it is in the video, so I think to myself, there perhaps somewhere presets. Unfortunately, he only speaks Russian so that I can not ask him.
Possibly yes Gibts synonymous name for the effect is running, so I am stuck at google? Californicaton Intro Effect and who knows what else already tried, found nothing decent.
Thank you in advance for advice!
Antwort von dustdancer:

buy yourself twitch of VCP. it can accomplish something without probs. otherwise there was a thread last month where someone had footage provided free to dl, with which one hinbekommt something synonymous with no probs.
Antwort von Axel:

There is everything. Effect of
Light Leaks transition (light transition simulates the threading and exposing an analog film to the end of the roll, synonymous of KB-known film, this downloadable video clips on the Comp) has been popular for years. I'm synonymous with a buddy so similar as part of Magic Bullet seen, and probably has Boris, Trapcode, etc. similar Spöke.
You can combine and save synonymous filter, an animated vignette, coloring (always yellow-orange gradient), flicker, fade to white. move cutting the last 5-6 frames of each clip s.and turn the filter combination on it, it's a bit of the parameters - c'est ça!
At Creative Cow gabs times a AAE-Tut, but that's missing.
Antwort von Piers:
otherwise there was a thread last month where someone had footage provided free to dl, with which one hinbekommt something synonymous with no probs. Here's the free Files "film Burns. However, are encoded in ProRes.
Antwort von kalteis:

Hey, thank you very much for the links and education about the name, I've found on google a lot to me to help you. MERCI A LOT OF TIME !!!!!
lg AK