Frage von markus1701:Hello everybody
I work today for the first time with Premiere Pro CS3 and have two questions:
1. How can I get that with HD footage while capturing different scenes in different sequences to be saved? (So that each time when the shooting stopped, the recording was now a new sequence begins)
2. If I now have a miniDV tape to the PC through Games, agree Picture and Sound at the end of the film no longer match. But if I have the MPEG file in another player and go to vote on the Picture and Sound. What do I need to do so synonymous in the premiere right?
Thanks for the help and Gruss
Antwort von markus1701:
Did anyone have any tips?
'm slowly s.Verzweifeln
Antwort von Jörg:
Antwort von Mike305:
Hello Guest
looks almost like as if I had this problem today, here in the forum to read, is probably because you need your video as MPEG reads and not as a DV-AVI, read it out t = 57907 & start = 0 & postdays post = 0 & order = asc & highlight = & sid = magix f31c2d01b900828476fcab341540a7a6
Antwort von tobi1977:
Thanks for the hint!
Can I use with Premiere Pro CS3 directly into DV-AVI capture?
if so how?
Antwort von jazzy_d:
HDV (I assume times is because of the HDV miniDV tape) you can not in DV-AVI capture. HDVSplit trying times. The scenes can be separated, I think so and I had never problems with asynchronität. I leave the scene but separation away.
Antwort von tobi1977:
Super, now works without problems!
Antwort von yeah:
Have me happy too soon :-(
I have again the exact same problem: The sound in the correct file in Premiere, but it is shifted (this is no longer as strong as before).
Can the related subject that I have files with 25 fps first in a Project with 29.97 fps've imported?
I have afterward, a new Project is created with 25 fps and now work in the.
Or can do something to do, that I am an English version of Premiere have?
Antwort von bbslash:
I had the same problem last week.
It is the old Adobe CS3 version 3.1.x after the update of 3.1.x to 3.2.0 had problems with the material already Requirements still there!
It helped not as synonymous of the proposed Adobe MACC * delete files so that the index is rebuilt.
When New recording of the camera in Premiere are the problems away!
Dum is just that we are only after 15 minutes of cut material on the problem is. Since only half dan rausrendern on Camera and restore back to a new Project.
Many greetings
FoVIM Studio
Antwort von yeah:
could lie s.der cpu.
do not know what you have but for me it was the principal.
NEN have amd x2 4200 + and am someday come out the amd dual core optimizer download and then it ran smoothly
Antwort von Eugen von ...:
I have the tapes re-recorded several times already and always in version 3.2 ...
I have Intel T7500 2 * 2.20 GHz ... That's too lansam?
Antwort von christian31:
Antwort von CHcutter:
Can anyone help me?
Antwort von Gugo:
Hi is it possible that you've ne SonyHD Cam?
If so playing times on the tape with the included software. When (if you want) after each "rec" button a new file is created, and audio + video are sync.
Was I any case, so I normally play on anything with Premiere, but once I have 30 tapes to play again because they did have were not sync, only DV tapes with Premiere on plays, no more HDV.
Antwort von CHcutter:
Yes I have a SonyHDR FX1E. I have them but only on loan and therefore not included software.
Is this software available for download somewhere synonymous?
edit: If the tapes were mistranslated plays, but the sound would not synonymous when I sync the files in another player or play?
Antwort von Gugo:
I thought synonymous, but wars with me just as you described of ...
What I've seen, there is the Progg "Picture Motion Browser" complains, just as an update ...
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
Which quantization has the recorded audio, 16 or 12 bit?
Antwort von CHcutter:
Which quantization has the recorded audio, 16 or 12 bit? Where can I look?
Antwort von nico:
Right click on the clip> properties.
Antwort von Eugen von ...:
Yes I have a SonyHDR FX1E. I have them but only on loan and therefore not included software. The Camera is not synonymous with software. This software is of Sonynur for cameras with USB port, not for the FX1.
Take a different software to capture the native
m2t outputs (all freeware, search on here to find - what you layout is actually a matter of taste).
The files, some of the programs as m2v be saved, sometimes it does not seem to be working properly (sometimes synonymous if out of ignorance it is alleged, was synonymous m2v native / same as m2t). m2v, for example, of Pinnacle Studio, to come there two extra wav for left and right audio channel. Picture and sound will not run - and not all players / cut all programs synchronously!
Therefore: m2t create and use!
(Pinnacle get these files when cutting back synchronously together)
What the recording quality is concerned is not the Tonversatz of 12 - or 16-bit recording from. Otherwise, the FX1 synonymous in HDV mode with 12 bit recording.
Antwort von CHcutter:
Thank you.
I post here and all the properties of a clip:
Type: MPEG Movie
File Size: 8.7 GB
Image Size: 1440 x 1080
Pixel Depth: 1440
Frame Rate: 25.00
Source Audio Format: 48000 Hz - compressed - Stereo
Project Audio Format: 48000 Hz - 32 bit floating point - Stereo
Total Duration: 00:47:49:17
Average Data Rate: 3.1 MB / second
Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1333
Antwort von Jörg:
Frame Rate: 29.97 this is an NTSC clip. If the PAL is in a sequence?
Antwort von CHcutter:
Take a different software to capture the native m2t outputs (all freeware, search on here to find - what you layout is actually a matter of taste I already have m2t files. I have HDV Split verwenet
Antwort von CHcutter:
Frame Rate: 29.97
this is an NTSC clip. If the PAL is in a sequence? The clips are again Now 25.00fps. When I've opened the project, they were first 29.97fps and 25fps were then 'transformed'.
Where can I specify whether the project is NTSC or PAL?
Antwort von Gugo:
Where can I specify whether the project is NTSC or PAL? If you create a new Project will be asked which format, frame rate, etc. ..
Antwort von CHcutter:
Where can I specify whether the project is NTSC or PAL?
If you create a new Project will be asked which format, frame rate, etc. .. Either I'm totally blind or is not with me somehow.
I can 'Editiong Mode' only either HDV 1080i etc then DV or PAL, NTSC DV, etc. Setting. PAL or NTSC, therefore, only the DV settings.
Antwort von Gugo:
Ansonsten lasse ich mich gerne eines besseren Belehren...
Edit from Mod: Picture replaced by a link.
Antwort von CHcutter:
My project is HDV 1080i25.
In between, I have but with the same video files in other projects herumprobiert. Can it be that the sound may not be able to sync is? Or what else can it be?
If I m2t file to play with Nero, right everything.
Antwort von Gugo:
@ CHcutter schick mir mal deine mail address so I can send what you can ...